
Sometimes i have dreams and then the next day it either happens or the people look in details for continuation

by  |  earlier

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...or the people/places/situations in my dream are invloved in my day in some way. how?? or whats that meann??




  1. maybe u have some kind of super-natural powers??

  2. Your brain collects information all day long and puts it together when you sleep.  The reason we dream is our brain trying to make sense of all that information.  It is a survival technique to try to guess based on information gathered what will happen the next day.

  3. I'm glad to hear a question of relation, i used to have the same thing. Rather than seeking an answer to why, just work with it and try to use it to your advantage, the older you get the more rare this will happen.

    I believe life is already written for us and we are just naturally and unwillingly following a script.

    I have been told its day jah voo (misspelt), try and pick the lotto numbers, Ha!

    I know this hasn'tt pin pointed your question but i don't think it can be.

  4. Your dreams are your active subconscious part of your mind and you subconciously already know what will happen.  I believe it doesn't lessen with age but gets stronger with active use.  I don't believe that dreams can predict the next world leaders, but it can personally empower you in your personal life.  I will be 45 in September and I still use my dreams to find lost stuff I misplace around my house.  A few days ago I hired a neihbor to help me re-organize my cluttered home and couldn't find my brand new iron when I needed it.  It was irritating and I knew my neighbor wouldn't steal from me.  I went to bed that night with that iron on my brain and I had a dream I found it in my garage in a white trash bag with some extra laundry procucts.  I woke up went to the garage and found it where my dream showed me!  I did something similar when my husband bought me a diamond bracelet and I panicked and had a dream it was between the washer and dryer.  It was there.  I quit wearing nice jewelry doing chores.  I had a tiff with my younger sister once and we didn't talk for a year.  I had a dream that she was trying to contact me, but wouldn't do it.  I simply called her and she admitted to the same dream.  We put aside our differences so family or any other kind of love connection is part of dreams.   Sweet dreams to you.

  5. This is synchronicity at work. your dreams help to synchronize your life to let you know that the path you are on is the correct one for you, that you are moving towards your life's purpose. There is no such thing as meaningless coincidence, follow the signs that your life presents to you. The closer you become to your path the stronger and more frequent these will be. Embrace them they are a gift. Remember, without purpose, there is no reason.

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