Question: just sitting down or calm , and my heartbeat goes really fast for no reason..what is this?

by  |  earlier

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i do have a heart murmar..just an irregular heartbeat..but sometimes , like every so often, maybe once or more a week my heart beat willl just start pumping really really fast or something? and its not the feeling that u get when ur running or anything..its weird, like slightly painful maybe but it a weird feeling, scares me...what is this???

ps i am 15 girl




  1. This happened to a friend of mine and they died shortly afterwards, Good luck!

  2. If you have a lot of caffeinated drinks or sugary foods, your heart might do this.  See a doctor if it happens frequently.

  3. Yeah, I still get that "drowning frog" feeling.  Sometimes in my chest, sometimes kind of also in my throat. Once in while my whole body will shake with it.  So far, the doctors haven't really said much about what it could be.  Now that I'm getting older, maybe they will :-)

    Sorry I can't be more help.  I saw the question and just had that "hey! I get that too" feeling :-)

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