
Sometimes my bosses wife calls me on my way to work and asks me to get my drunk boss outta bed and drive him?

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to work. I have to drag him outta bed and rush him to get ready, and if im late for work he docks me an hour pay and expects me to work late and make up a full hour when i was only 5 or 10 mins late. I need the job, it pays very well, what do I tell him?




  1. no boss is the top boss of any organization or company. Each boss has his own boss, including the CEO too -- who depends on the board members for his job to continue. Complain to Human resources department or find out under whom your boss works. You could go to your company's website and click their "contact us" link and send letter or email them.

    You do have the right to complain about your boss's conduct to his higher ups.

  2. That's c**p dude.  You can find a better way then that.  I would go to his boss.

  3. Tell him he needs to get help and that his problem is causing you problems.

  4. Drive him to Detox.

  5. Is the pay worth all the hussle? Find a new job.

  6. thats messed up

  7. MONEY is not always worth extreme pain and humiliation - this is horrible - find another job NOW and then quit this one.

    Do NOT tell ANYONE where your new job will be, and do NOT use this idiot for a reference - it is best just to move on and put this all behind you.

  8. Tom, whatever you did and they are covering it up for you/with you....they are an accessory...even, that say you sold money from the business.

    Easy for me to not drag him out of bed, etc...

    that is the Wife's job.....not yours.  

    Just tell him enough is enough, and you are not going to do it again. Besides him docking you pay.

    Tell him No, yes it is a good job and pays well......eventually,

    it will make you are no ones slave!

    If he fires have a good case...because they did not

    say anything about what happened.......

    OMG....wife gets him up......not you.

    You only have one life to live.......That them scream, yell,

    report you ( again they did not before, so they are responsible for doing so...they did not )

    You are free.....they will get in trouble.

    go ask your question on Yahoo, Law.

    Why not call a lawyer and explain to them.

    Get out of that mess.......You are not their slave....

    Drunk does he run the business?

    Of course, you say, you need the job, pays well............

    Is it worth you health....tell him and his wife..No. period No.

    You will get a better job....without all this, headache,

  9. go and wake him up earlier then you will both be on time . you must of dun something really naughty for them to be able to treat you like that.

  10. Get yourself a new job or suck it up and live with the mess you've created for yourself.

    Me?  I'd be working the new job angle.  They will never let up if they're taking advantage of you.

  11. Why your boss's wife calls you only. I think there is something going on between you two.

  12. turn off the phone-

  13. you get him ready, and because of him you are late.  then he has the nerve to dock you?

    i think i would find an excuse not to come over and get him out of bed.  

    or find another job.

  14. I don't believe this premise.

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