
Sometimes my mum can be so horrible to me?

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I don't like to talk to my mum about any problems I may have anymore. She always shuts me down by saying it's all in my mind.

I was having 3 days of really bad panic attacks and she says I was imagining them. Even after I said my chest hurt and I had a shortness of breath. It was horrible I really felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

I live with her so she's the one I go to when I have a problem. But when she shuts me down I think everyone else would.

She is very difficult to talk to. She doesn't understand what I've said at times. Explaining things slowly to her is agonizing.

She doesn't think I need glasses to help my reading, but she knows I have dyslexia and these glasses are special glasses for dyslexics.

She's always yelling at me and she thinks that I don't listen to her. She's got the shortest temper from anyone I have met. And she is so sensitive. My friends and I always make fun about each other but one friendly comment to my mum and she loses it with me.

She says I never do anything and makes me feel horrible about being unemployed.

I want to move so bad but can't afford it.

I've decided to try and work my problems out myself, but I like sharing things with her. She wasn't always this mean.

What should I do apart from locking myself in my room?




  1. wow! its seems like u and your mother and a boudarie room for communicating well and be able to talk to each as friends not mother and daughter. My advice to you iss you should confront your mother and tell her whats on your mind and dont let her shut you up and talk telll her whats on your mind and tell her she doesent have the right to talk to you like tht and she should listen and be more pecific after saying (for example: "you always yell at me for absolutely no reason than give a example of how she is always yelling at you) after ask her what she thinks about this hole problem and ask her why she has become so over powering and ask her why she is like this because it could just be her having a itching feeling about u but you never know til u find out

    good luck with your mother and you hope i helped=)

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