
Sometimes when I get up I get headrush, why is this?

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Eyesight is darkened momentarily and slight dizziness?




  1. Orthostatic hypo tension (also known as postural hypo tension, and, colloquially, as head rush or a dizzy spell) is a form of hypo tension in which there is a sudden (less than 3 minutes) fall in blood pressure, typically greater than 20/10 mm Hg, that occurs when a person assumes a standing position, usually after a prolonged period of rest.

    The incidence increases with age.

    Orthostatic hypo tension is primarily caused by gravity-induced blood pooling in the lower extremities, which in turn compromises venous return, resulting in decreased cardiac output and subsequently lowering of arterial pressure. For example, if a person changes from a lying position to standing, he or she will lose about 700 ml of blood from the thorax. It can also be noted that although there is a decreased systolic (contracting) blood pressure, there is actually an increased diastolic (resting) blood pressure. However, the overall effect is an insufficient blood perfusion in the upper part of the body.

    Still, the blood pressure does not normally fall very much, because it immediately triggers a vasoconstriction (baroreceptor reflex), pressing the blood up into the body again. Therefore, a secondary factor that causes a greater than normal fall in blood pressure is often required. Such factors include hypovolemia, diseases, medications, or, very rarely, safety harnesses.

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  2. You may be anemic (where the iron in your red blood count is low). Try eating something high in iron like beets or spinach and see if you feel better in a few days. If not, go to your doctor and ask if she can test you for anemia. All they'll do is prick your finger and take a drop of your blood to test.

  3. i get the same thing, i think its when you move to fast and the blood rushes to your head

  4. low bloodpressure, lack of food, lackof water low sugar lots of reasons

  5. Try standing up slower.

  6. Vertigo

  7. i'd like to know to

    i get it especially after i've been on the computer

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