
Sometimes when i am alone i am very scared, whats going on?

by  |  earlier

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i always have the feeling some body is watching me, especially if no one is around, i feel like im being watched. i feel really scared and i dont run now, i will regret it. i really feel like something is about to jump out and get me all the time. i get really really scared. and im talking even when im alone in the hallway at school and nobody is around. i really need help with this. its really getting worse. i really imagine that its some horrible thing coming to get me. especially when every body is upstairs and im downstairs, and when everyone is downstairs and im upstairs. what is going on here? is this normal?




  1. Well I definitly think it's something you should talk to a doctor about incase it's an anxiety that medicine can help.  The other option would be you might have a spirit following you around.  This happens to me all the time.  I've learned to face the fear and tell "it" to go away.  I probably sound crazy, but I know for a fact spirits follow me around.  

  2. Erm. Sounds like you have some sort of phobia,

    you could try some counseling, therapy.

    I'm like that too, I drug myself to help though.

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