
Sometimes when my Yorkie is laying around she jumps up, yelps and takes off running. Any ideas why?

by  |  earlier

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This is the weirdest thing. This happens just at random times. Nothing is going on. No one is bothering her. She just literally jumps up and cries out and takes off! Once she has moved away she seems to be fine and nothing else happens...until the next event. It happens about once a day.




  1. my yorkie does this all the time- usually she is having a dream and wakes up suddenly.  Sometimes its like she just scares herself and jumps up

  2. i really dont know?

  3. fleas maybe??? or maybe she sees a fly or a nat. my pinkanese does that occasionally.

  4. fleas

  5. do,t worry., this is some time normal conditions., you take a shower and give her a cool place. this is nice to her.

    if you want to known the real runner , check it.

  6. they could be puppy dreams.. both of my dogs get them

  7. This happens with my Yorkie too. I think your doggy just thought she heard something when in reality they didn't.

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