
Somewhat embarrasing question about breastfeeding...?

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I am currently still nursing my 4 month old...everything is going great with that...except...sometimes when I breast feed, I become very aroused and though I don't do it until I am done nursing...I do end up needing to m********e to the point of o****m for relief....does this happen to other breastfeeding moms?




  1. I wasn't able to breastfeed, but I found this.

  2. never happened to me and i have breastfed three children

  3. it never happened to me or to anybody i know. the nipples usually become so desensitized that you cant feel much of anything. thank God, because if you felt everything you would be in so much pain you wouldn't be able to nurse. this question doesn't sound as if its really coming from a nursing mother, it sounds like an adolescents fantasy question.

  4. No I've not experienced this, buuut...

    The same hormone that 'lets down' your milk is the same when you o****m. Have you ever noticed that when you're sexual with your spouse, sometimes you leak? Or when you were pregnant when you o****m, your uterus will get really tight and almost spasm?? that's why sometimes people recommend s*x when trying to get labor going,.. it's all intertwined.

    Don't feel guilty, it's good for you to talk about. If you're concerned beyond this occasional thing, I would talk to your doctor.

  5. Think about it from an evolutionary viewpoint - women who "enjoyed" breast feeding (remember, some babies don't suck, they chew, and some are born with a tooth or two) ended up with more surviving babies than those who hated it.  250,000 years ago there were no laws, so if you abandoned your baby because s/he hurt you while nursing, no one did anything - but you didn't pass those genes on.  If you enjoyed it you were much more likely to feed the baby enough, and those are the genes we got passed down to us.

    It's normal - don't worry about it.

  6. Yes, it happened to me.  I have very sensitive nipples and when I breast fed my sons, it made me very aroused too.  Got to the point where I didn't know what tired me out more: breastfeeding, or masturbating!  Once you've weaned your child, things should go back to "normal".  Oh, and pumping your b*****s might help.  It didn't for me, but it could for you... good luck!

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