
Somthing weirdhappened to me today(about wolf spirit guide)?

by  |  earlier

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today i was in bed and using my third eye to talk to my wolf spirit guide.i picked up a bunch of clear pictures of a wolf,they wer made by lights by the way and very clear.i asked it if it could wake me know just for fun to see if i could hear anthing.then i herd somthing like a very faded first it was like a huming sound like somones voice would be a room acros with you standing next to the wall.then i listened in and herd it saying Evelina(my name) ,wakeup.Evelina,Evelina,wake up and it kept going on untill i did.i know no one said that because i asked every what do you think?was that my imagination?or telepathy with my spirit guide.




  1. Since you asked for my opinion, it is that you were using your imagination. Also, since you were in bed and likely still sleepy, hypnogogic hallucination could also have been playing a role.

  2. ~That happens to me....

    When I sleep, sometimes when My spirit guide comes near my third eye opens and I can see a spirit, she either talks to me out loud, or whispers or I can feel her thoughts telepathy. I can even move my arms. Sometimes I would wake up completely and either see her standing once at the foot of my bed.....usually I see her leaving. Sometimes With my third eye I see her floating over me, or she comes through the roof. As long as I can see a spirit asleep or wide awake I can read their thoughts telepathy, It happens with people too sometimes their thoughts pop in my head.

    Sounds like your spirit guide, they usually give dreams, or past memories-usually they communicate that way too, they speak through pictures, visions, telling you something, or as a warning. Once you really connect, you would feel you guide holding your hand, hug, or rub your back. Usually when your in need, your spirit is hurt...they are compassionate, and give comfort~

  3. How do you have a third eye?

  4. --» How can you have a third eye? ..

  5. Hello Evy

    It could be communication with your guide or it could be your mind.

    Experience will tell you which - keep the lines of communication open so that you build a stronger relationship with your guide.


  6. Sounds like your guide to me.

  7. You got 3 eyes?

    That just about sums your question up!!

  8. Yup, I agree, it sounds like your spirit guide to me. That's about how mine sounded to me too at first, it'll get louder with time. Tell them what you hear, whisper out loud if you're afraid of anybody hearing, or even just put out the thought to them (simply directing the thought to them will make sure they hear you). That'll let them know you hear them. :)

    For those asking about having a third eye:

    You have 7 main chakras, or energy centers, in the body, of which the 3rd eye is one. It's located in the forehead, between the eyes. And yes, I can actually see things out of this eye, but it's only paranormal stuff, stuff you can't see with the naked eye.

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