
Son and Daughter having intercourse

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My daughter is 13 and my son is 14, I was going up North for the weekend and i hired a baby sitter for them just for the weekend. Well i forgot my purse and i headed back it had only been ten minutes. Well i walked in and I found them having s*x on the couch. I started freaking out and told them to put clothes on and explain. They told me they were practicing. {The babysitter wasn't gonna be there for about 30 minutes}

I don't know what to do, i don't know if i should send one to boarding school or what. Help?




  1. Guest45476

    I had something similiar happen with my 15 year old son and 14 year old daughter last easter.We had them both finially baptized at easter vigil,and both of them had to wear the required white outfits,the son had to wear a white suit and tie,the daughter had to wear a white,poofy,top of the knees dress with a bonnet,white tights and white shoes and a cloth diaper and rubberpants under the tights with an under shirt as her top.After their party,the husband went to the hospital to visit his mom who had a heart atack.when we got their,she was sleeping and could not be disturbed,so we came home.the sons bedroom door was closed and i burst in and caught the daughter on her knees wearing just her diaper and rubberpants and bonnet giving the son oral s*x! they told me that the daughter took oof her dress and the under shirt and tights and the son saw her accidently and told her he wanted oral s*x from her and thats what she was doing when i caught them. 

  2. u shoulda joined them

  3. That is extremely disturbing. Your children need some help. They are old enough to know better. What if he were to get her pregnant. There is no excuse for them doing that at all. Boarding school is not the answer they need to be talked to and you need to explain why that is wrong.  

  4. you should explain to them why they first shouldn't be having s*x with each other or anyone else and find them some counseling. they are so going to regret this when they are older and in other relationships. you may want to know if this is the first time cause if it's a hobby then you definitely can't have them living together right now.

  5. omg!! tell them its extremely wrongg!!

    wow. umm therapy maybee

  6. Sorry to say this, but most likely it's the parents fault. They might of gotten the idea when they saw mommy and daddy getting it on, or saw something on TV, either way, question your parenting.

  7. You should first talk to them about s*x and the consequences of it.  You may want to understand why they felt it was okay to be with each other.  They may not realize the intimacy of the act they were doing or even may have been told it was okay to be with each other.

    I would also suggest finding a family counselor immediately, to help them and you with this very awkward and sensitive situation.  There may be possible underlying events that led to this, that you are not aware of.

  8. wtf get ur kids in freaking therapy... ur kids are freaking nutjobs!!! Im glad my kids are lonnies like yours!!! haha

  9. Send the boy to live with his dad and get them BOTH into counseling.

  10. wow.

    thats probably the most awkward thing that you can EVER find you children doing together.

    but they are at that age where they will be figuring out what do do when s*x comes up.

    I'd just tell them that having sexd with your sister is really not the best thing to do and ask them if they have any questions.

  11. If you are a troll then get a life but if you are a seriously distressed parent then set them down tell them that is wrong and then hire a counsler.

  12. Boarding school? No. Dont do that. Just explain. And what if they were just curious.

  13. omg lol that is sick. therapy?


  15. ask if you can videotape it!

  16. i would pick them both up by the ears and shove them in thier room and tell the babysitter to keep an eye on them ALL WEEKEND that is so gross

  17. Eww. I would hope they know how to m********e instead of doing this. (as a preventative measure) I would ask how many times this has happened. If more than once than its probably a good idea to separate them from each other for a while

  18. I think it is crystal clear that both of these children need counseling. Not only do they both have misconstrued notions about a healthy relationship between siblings but they both are to young to be experimenting in sexual activities. They are certainly not developed enough mentally to understand the severity of the situation. If they do not get help from a counselor, they could have countless issues with intimacy for the rest of their lives...Very sad situation  

  19. send the boy to military school  

  20. Explain to them what's going on with their bodies, and maybe show them some pictures of deformed babies to show them what will happen if he gets her preggers.  :]  It's natural for kids to want to experiment, but they seriously need to be in seperate therapy.  Imagine losing your virginity to a sibling.


    And tell them intercourse is for adults who have been together for a very long time and are not related in any way.  Don't be embarassed to talk about this with them, they'll pick up on it.

  21. I can only describe you in one word, TROLL.

  22. omg!! I'm speechless!  I'm so sorry you had to see that.. id say you need professional help for them..

  23. wow, I think I would freak out, I don't even know what I would do.

  24. That's kinda hot..... anyways, back to topic, they need therapy. And omg, that's sick.

  25. Well you are at fault for not watching them , and that is just weird, what state are you in, that could explain a few things.

  26. that is completely disgusting! and kind of hard to believe, are they step brother and sister or something? anyways, i would kill them.

  27. At this age they should know better and both are at the age where they could impregnate each other. Don't allow them to be alone anymore and explain to them the wrong in incest and that it's illegal. If they still continue  to do this, you need to talk to them about why they're doing this. Hope this helps.

  28. Wow .. at that age your son and daughter should definitely know better than that. I think they're a little too old to be able to use the excuse that they were just experimenting .. at least when it comes to that. This is a very horrible thing .. I strongly suggest you get these two therapy before something goes extremely wrong.

  29. wow. that is very strange. they may well have been practicing but it is entirely inappropriate. i would send them to a counselor or therapist first b/c it sounds like they could use it. tell them you do not want them doing that or there will be major consequences. if you are married, i would talk to your husband about this. if not, ask some of your good friends.

  30. Wow, you need to sit them down and teach them about intercourse, and what it's for.  They're probably just curious.  

  31. I think you should ground both of them and put them both in counseling. It's not normal to have s*x with your sibling. They might not just be practicing. They could actually feel a stronger bond. It's normal for teens these days to be worried about messing up their first time and wanting to practice or something but it's not normal for them to act it out with their siblings. Sit them both down and have a talk with them about why this is wrong and then tell them if they have any questions then they can ask you.

  32. 1)grab video camra

    2l)et them do it you recorde it


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