
Son doesn't work, and won't leave house.?

by  |  earlier

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My son is 25 years old, and was in the trades, but currently work is slim. He lives in our basement, with girlfriend all the time. Recently on my birthday I took them out, paid, but I received no thanks, from either, or a birthday wish. I know I've been lenient,but I think it;s time to just kick his *** out. Any thoughts?




  1. I think you should talk to him? Kick him out? So he learn his lesson? I'm sure soon he will understand and get a job...

  2. Sit down and have a talk with him about his goals and where he wants to be in 5 years. Tell him that it's time to start thinking about his future and for him to get his own place. My brother was like your son and my dad calmly talked to him about all of this stuff and within a year he was moved out, had a steady job and was going to school. :) good Luck!

  3. Stop cooking with cheese

  4. Yes show him tough love.  That's exactly what he needs.  Once he realizes that there is a world out there he will gain respect.  Sure he may be mad at first but oh well.

  5. I agree that he should have a time limit.  Write a letter or "notice" to him and keep a photocopy of it.  Alternatively, give him specific conditions on what it takes to live in your house.  I had a friend who allowed this, and ended up taking care of grandchildren when he couldn't afford to.  He ended up depressed and defeated, but felt he had no real choices.  You have to treat it like a business transaction, or a band-aid, whatever imagery works better for you.

  6. I'd tell Junior to pack his bags. As far as the girl friend maybe she could stay and work off his debt.

  7. Give him a time limit. Buy a calender and mark the day that he will have to be out (I say, 2 months~ that is plenty of time for him to get a job).. tell him that he has out stayed his welcome and its time to hit the road!

  8. just  tell  here

  9. Kick him to the curb. If he can co-habitate with his girlfriend then obviously they are both able-bodied and have lots of strength to go find a job even if it's non-trading.

  10. The only thought I have, is the same one you have...Kick them out now! They are way to old to using you.

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