
Son& ex have had altercation.

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after 7 years of taking grandchildren on 3 holidays per year & staying with us almost every weekend she now says forget the holidays & ever seeing them again.Is ther anything I can do about this




  1. In the United State some states do have "grandparent right laws".  

    She may not follow through with threat.  Especially when the kids start complaining.  

  2. Depending on where you live, there might not be much you can do about it (in the UK you have to prove to a court that it's in the children's best interest to see the grandparents - not easy).

    But you could give the mum a little time to cool down and then contact her directly (not through your son) and see if she will get back to being reasonnable (after all, she might just be very angry right now and could change her mind soon, specially with the cost of childcare for holidays) with you so you can see your grandchildren as much as usual. When you talk to her, DO NOT side with your son and defend him, just say that you know how difficult he can be, but that you and her can sort things out without him - get her on your side.

    One thing she can't really do legally is to stop their dad seeing them, so if you ca't come to an agreement with her, you will have to see the kids when they see their dad - not ideal, but better than nothing.

    I hope you can work something out. Don't stop fighting, the children will know how much you care and you'll get them back in the end (she can't stop them coming to see you when they are older). Good luck

  3. Wow must be a girl venting about her baby daddy.. I wish for grandparents sakes you can shake the tar outta of girls that do this. Is it really the CHILDS fault that you arent with the father.. NO! I mean seriously most state do not have a grandparent right in the state of Indiana & i think that it is wrong.. IM sorry that you are going threw this. I am a mother of 3 kids. ( all have dif fathers) i know I know.. But the mothers of the dads are my FRIENDS!! Hello people you get more bees with honey!! I have my freedom when I want it, but most important a child cant have enough love in the day & age! Its just WRONG! I would never never never let someone take the friendship that I have made with the grandparents of my kids! My finace knows that they are a very important part of my life & i love them as a mother. Not because I had a kids with their son! Its about RESPECT! I have nothing but the highest respect for the people that make my life easier!! Im sorry again for the aggervation you are you threw.. God Bless!

  4. Some states have grandparent visitation rights, especially if there is a strong established relationship. Talk to a lawyer.

  5. yes. i am not sure what stae you live in and if tehy same rules apply, but you can file for grandparents rights. if you win you will be entitles to visitations. maybe not every weekend and holidays but you do have the right to see them. good luck

  6. Nothing.   She is an adult, even if not behaving like one.


  7. well do u kno y she is like this?

  8. Yes, you can contact a lawyer to file for grandparents rights.  It provides for grandparents in your exact situation...where one parent or the other are trying to stop the grandparents (innocents in the situation) from seeing their grandchildren from seeing their grandchildren with whom they have a loving, caring relationship.  Call your family attorney today and make short work of the lapse in your visitation.

    Good luck and God bless you.

  9. It's a little hard to figure out what your really talking about.  Maybe you could be a little more clear.

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