
Son father on disability my son can benefits but can i get child support at the same time.

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Son father on disability my son can benefits but can i get child support at the same time.




  1. Not if he's on SSI.


  3. Whoa, that's greedy!

    If SSI is his only income, you probably won't be able to get child support, too.  Most judges would agree that the money your child gets from Social Security is in leiu of child support.

    How do you propose he pay additional child support, if he is disabled.  Get a job like an adult and help support your own child!

  4. No because your son will be getting SSDI check already due to his fathers SSDI.

  5. This is a question for the family court.  If the dad is on SSI disability, basically the SSI available to your son will be most of his contribution, but his SSI disability cannot be garnished.  Depending on your state, he may or may not owe you more money.

    If this is a temporary disability, he will probably have to "catch up" on his support.

    The best place to go will be your local family court.

  6. I'm understanding that your son's father is on disability and the son gets benefits from the same place (ie Social Security).  If this is the case, then it depends on if the benefits come directly to you.  Odds are yes, but very little.

  7. Not sure what you meant. Please consider editing your question.

    Some states' laws vary. Whatever state you're in, you should call their office to find out.

    Also, consider working, if you are not already doing so.

  8. yea my ex was on disability and his daughers got a check from the social security office plus he had to pay child support...

  9. Who do you want to get the money from?  Are you living with the father and your child?  You need to give more details.  

  10. The reason your son gets a check from disability is technically to support him. If you are getting that money already, it is probably all you are going to get. It depends on the state law, and whether or not your ex is remarried. His wife's income is counted in some states. But if it is just his income, few judges would award more than the dependent allowance benefit check your son gets. After medicare premium copayment, your ex is most likely bringing in $630 a month.. not including what is in the check your son gets.

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