
Son got back from Thailand safely after 1 month away.

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I just wanted to let many of you know that my Son had a great time out in Thailand and met his Thai girlfriend! All went well and he and all our family will be visiting her and her family next year. She will be coming here for a visit too.

I just wanted to tahnk all of you that gave me some good advise to pass on to him and also to reassure the other cynics that this girl was genuine and not after a British Visa. Infact she would like him to move to Thaialnd.




  1. well, certainly glad to hear that he returned safely - - thanks for the posting - - and sadly, this discussion has turned to $$ - - and so I will throw my 2 cents in the pot - - youth is more prone to love, older people see a greater value in security - - However, many thai seek the security of a connection to a Western income, to me, no different than many Western mothers wish that her daughter marry a doctor... I mean, you don't hear too many people in Britain saying I hope my daughter meets a lovely welfare recpient who drinks too much... Why would any self respecting thai lady not have $$ be part of the equation - - hopefully, not the whole equation... but youth speaks of LOVE - good luck..

  2. Of course she wants him to move to Thailand. That is where her family is. I have not yet met a sincere Thai who will actually do what they say. They want to marry rich foreigners for the money(so they will be taken care of), but will never leave their country.

  3. Great for him

    its an amazing place

    despite what the other answer says

    its only natural anywhere a girl wants to live near her family

    would you want to bring a thai girl back to this country i think not

    i met a wonderful thai girl who has her own business and is independant

    we marry soon and the family dont want a dowry

    i told her i had no money and she said no problem she will look after me

    so there are good and bad in every society

    Good Luck to your son

  4. wondeful!

  5. Cha-Ching (its a Thai word it means we just hit the jackpot!) You average Thai makes 150-200 baht a day so what ever your sons potential its better than a Thai income.  

    If I sound cynical I'm married to a Thai and paying upkeep for a family of 6 including 4 adults.  I'm happy to do so but still can poke you in the ribs a little. Trust me that Puffalo is going to get sick.

  6. I am very happy for you, and extremely jealous of your son who might move to Thailand. As with any other relationship, one must just look at all the pro's and cons. All or the best.

  7. i agree with marine mollusc..................the request for money will come sooner or later

  8. Great to hear he went and got back safe.  I told you so.  lol....  Some people here only knows about one little portion of Thailand and think they know it all.

  9. I have foreigner bf as well. I do believe with all my heart not all of people will be unlucky about women in Thailand. So many have success in their love life and also I am.

    Anyway..IF it's going to be serious relationship. Wouldn't it better of if you help her to learn english and fly over to work in England for a while and your son will be working too.

    This way they both can enjoy life and save more money...and they can afford to go back to thailand even twice a year! it isn't a great idea to lie in Thailand.

    I was strongly against My bf opinion a year ago..Was pushing him to move to Thailand but think in a long run...If your son doesn't have money or savings it will be hared to live in Thailand.

    IT's not that much of paradise when you have no job or so. :)

    anyway think about it...I wish you the best. :)

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