
Son has new bus driver. Misses the old one.?

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Ok I have a delima. Suddenly my sons school bus driver of over a year is not driving the bus ( almoust 2 weeks). He is an older man and my only guess is he retired or got sick.

We both really miss him and I wonder if he is ok.

I think of asking the bus barn or the aid that helps my son on the bus but I feel like It may be not my business?

It bothers me so much that I don't know!




  1. wow bus drivers come and go had 5 bus drivers i a week last week and my bus driver of 5 years quit

    but if u really care call

  2. That's sweet, you should definitely call the bus yard or ask the aide if she knows.  It would be nice for your son to be able to send a card or draw a picture for the bus driver.

  3. There is no harm in asking.  If he's sick, or better yet, RETIRED, they will tell you and you and your son can plan a card or even just a message to send to him.

  4. dude like seriously........s***w that! call !!

  5. I would absolutely call the bus yard.  Just inquire about the man.  You can even make a "we miss you card" with your son and ask the bus yard if you could drop it off for them to forward to him.  If he does have stuff going on, the card will make him feel a little better, even if he doesn't have stuff going on he will know that he is loved.  Making a card may make your son feel better about the situation as well.

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