
Son is 2 yrs old and his eyes are sensitive to light..he basically?

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squints his eyes when he is outside. His eye doctor gave him glasses but that does not seem to help. where else can we take him.. I am trying to find a specialist that would deal with light sensitivity but I cant figure what they would be called.




  1. I was very light sensitive as a child--to the point that my eyes teared so much in the sunlight that teachers on the playground thought I was crying. (My eyes also produced tears from the dentist's light or a bright light in the doctor's office.) The only solution seemed to be sunglasses and a hat to shield my eyes from the glare. If your child is already wearing prescription glasses, you might want to ask your optometrist for an excellent pair of prescription sunglasses for him.

    By the way, my eyes became less light sensitive as I got older. I hope the same will happen to him. Good luck!

  2. Did you see an ophthalmologist? would they be able to refer you to a specialist.

    “Photophobia or light sensitivity is a common eye complaint. It can result from several different conditions and in most cases is easily treatable.

    Functional Photophobia

    ·        Vision: Nutritional Optometry: Functional Photophobia

    Inflammation of the Iris (Iritis)

    “The most common cause of photophobia is inflammation of the anterior region of the eye, which includes the colored iris.

    ·        The muscular iris controls pupil size and adjusts the amount of light entering the eye.

    ·        Just as a sore back hurts when you bend it, an inflamed iris muscle painfully constricts when light hits the eye.

    ·        Even if the injured eye is patched, the light sensitivity continues because light hitting the uninjured eye causes both pupils to constrict.”

  3. Sunglasses and a hat are your best bet. Some kids are really light sensative. My son was at that age and now that he's a little older it isn't as bad. I started putting sunglasses and hats on him early and he just got used to it. If he has light eyes he's more likely to be light sensative than if his eyes were darker. I recommend you see a pediatric ophthalmologist just to be sure.

  4. there can be other causes

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