
Son is 2y, and seems to be going backwards in his speech ability's.?

by  |  earlier

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At 12 months he was ahead of the curve so to speak, now he just points and screams and growls. Anyone else have this problem? He is VERY smart, and can figure out almost anything that comes his way.




  1. I would talk to your doctor about your son, because this is a common symptom of the beginning stages of Autism.  If you talk to your doctor, he/she can let you know if it is anything to worry about.  There is a good chance it is just his way of controlling his surroundings, but if there is a problem, and you do nothing about it till "later", you will be carrying around a lot of guilty feelings that you won't need.

  2. That can be one of the very earliest signs of Autism, and that is about the age it is first noticed. I would discuss your concerns with his pediatrician, or have him evaluated at a local Easter Seals.

  3. I would check his shots schedule. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

  4. Have you considered having his hearing checked?

    This can often be one reason!

    Good luck!

  5. terrible two's relax hes 2 they are pains in the bum at that age hence the phrase don't put pressure on him to be smart it will come naturally just let him be 2 you'll never get this time back. just play with him read to him cuddle him

  6. He is frustrated because he doesn't have the vocabulary to communicate.  I would have him screened by early childhood intervention for a speech delay.  He could have a motor planning issue as with dyspraxia.  Autistic kids do not point at all or do so very late.  Also your chief complaints would be a lot longer if it were autism.  Yes loss of speech is a red flag for autism but so many more things are needed to complete the picture of autism

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