
Son is emotinal?

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My son is 8 years old hes always had big feeling,easy to get them hurt because he is sweet and pollite.But lately he has been taking things more personal,hes still happy and his self but as his momo I can see hes going through a change is this normal?




  1. It's normal! He's just sensitive. It's okay.

  2. It's normal.  My son is 10 and is still going through it.

  3. yes hes growing up, viewing things differently, also its hormones too.

  4. yup

  5. When i was 8 I can recall simple little things such as a song making me cry. I believe it is normal for children to be more emotional at times. Look at the times we live in! lol. Human emotions are always changing from minute to minute. Children are always growing too, so changes are expected. Help your child with these emotions and how to control them. In my opinion, emotions rule the world. Hope it helps.

  6. My son is nine and has always been very emotional - he cries when he gets stressed over his spelling tests! So much different from our 8 year old! Kids are all different and there is no "normal".  As long as he's happy - what more can you ask for.  Also, my mother-in-law says my son is a lot like my husband was when he was a child and he's a super dad and a great husband, so I'm not worried at all!

  7. No...only girls sould be at that age...other wise he is a sissy.
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