
Son is in preschool. Can the school tell me that he can't wear an earring?

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Do you think the school will have anything to say about it? Can they kick him out because of it? It is a public school.




  1. It is a liability issue (yes, I'm serious).  I'm all for kids expressing themselves and I think if it is a stud earring it should be okay.  But some schools ban flip-flops, crocs, hoddies with laces and other clothing that can potentially hurt your child or another.

  2. The only issue I can foresee would be if the earring is a loop, or dangles in some manner.  Concern about it catching on something as he goes about his play would be my only thought.  If it is a stud, I would have no worries and would not expect it to be a problem.

  3. If you are wondering if something will get your  Pre K age kid kicked out of school then don't you think it might be better not to do it?  What is the harm in not wearing it vs wearing it??

    Most public schools require you to sign a handbook agreeing to all rules/regulations before the child enters school.  The handbook is approved by the board that was elected  by public law so you either have to sign it, or put your child in private school.  Depending on where you live, most schools prohibit boys wearing earrings.  Check the handbook.

    Also, as a Pre K teacher, I can tell you that it is going to get pulled on and tugged on; and possibly ripped out by curious kids.  It would be much less trouble to just leave it off.

  4. The school may have a dress code that everyone must adhere to for safety concerns. If this is a rule at the preschool, I would teach my son that it is important to follow the rules, even if we don't agree, because there is a reason for the rule--this is a lesson that will serve him well for the rest of his life.

    Pre-school kids are known to be a bit rough with each other as they learn how to follow social rules.  An earring can be a danger to not only your son if someone yanks at it--and tears his earlobe, or if it fall out and another steps on or swallows it.

    I have boys and girls come into kindergarten with earrings. I encourage the parents to leave all jewelry at home because of the problems it can cause.  I tell them that I will not be responsible if the jewelry is lost or broken.  If the ear becomes infected, no one at school can legally treat it and the parent will be called to take the child home.  An earring is such a little thing and it can cause so much trouble that I feel it is best to leave it at not fight everything that comes your way....pick your fights carefully.

  5. They can request for safety purposes that he only wear studs, no hoops or other dangling earrings that could get pulled on by another child, snagged on a toy, or otherwise caught on something that could cause injury.  A public school cannot kick a child out because they wear an earring, otherwise they would have to apply that standard to females as well, or risk being sued by parents based on a sexist discrimination.  Best bet... make an appointment to talk to the principal about it and ask their policies (always ask for everything in writing).  This way, you show that you are on good terms with the principal and do not want to be disruptive to the school environment, and you get on the same page as the administration without a conflict.

  6. Okay question........ WHAT PARENT WOULD PIERCE THEIR THIERS SON'S EAR SO YOUNG? I am preschool teacher, and I feel that is just not proper for this age group.

    My suggestion is to take it out and let the child grow and decide for himself, when he can actually think for himself

    (like in jr high or high school) , to wear an earring.

  7. I believe age is the factor here....and also safty, I believe the school has the right as a saftey factor to NOT allow ur child to wear an earing,be the  student either a   male or female,

  8. Actually the fact that it is in a public school may mean he won't be able to. You should check first.

  9. yes it is a public school they have standerds that all must follow other wise the school would be a out of control . I know it pre-k but they start early know. It well get worse as they grow older

  10. As long as it's in his earlobe, I very much doubt they will be opposed to it. Are you familiar with their rules and dress code? If they did not allow boy students to have earings, they would have to disallow girl students to have them, too. A lot of parents get their children's ears pierced at a young age, even when they are babies. While it is less common for young boys to have pierced ears, the school has no right to discriminate against him on the basis of s*x. If they kicked him out, you could sue them, but then again, would you want to leave your child in the care of sexists?

    Again, though, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Good luck to your son in school. :)

  11. When I ran a day care we did not allow hoop earrings because they were a safety hazard. There was too much of a risk that in the normal rough and tumble among kids one would get snagged and pulled. Beyond that I do not think they can ban your child's earring.

  12. yes, if it's stated by d school rules tat it's improper 4 a boy 2 wear it.(Most of d schools only allowed gals 2 wear earrings, except 4 d dangling type.)

  13. If your son who is just preschool aged is wearing an earring with your blessing, we all need to say a prayer for him.  Parent's allowing and encouraging this kind of behavior is the reason America is going to h**l in a handbasket.  Three cheers for the school!  Wake up mom!

  14. They can tell you he may not wear his earring to school for safety reasons. In some sports girls have to remove their earrings before they are allowed to play, because an errant grab by another player could hook that girls earring (even the small studs) and ripe out of her ear causing her some damage. The same is true for boys. If a few boys are playing rough (and my girls play very rough at times) they could accidentally grab his ear with the earring and rip it out and hurt him more than you would ever be happy with. So just to be safe before school take out the earring and then when he gets home put it back in. Don't fight the school over this, just accept that they are trying to make this the best possible experience for you and your son.

  15. Yes I beleive they can . Schools have dress codes for boys and girls.

  16. I would be surprised if they say anything at all about it.  Have they given you a hard time about it?  I know they wouldn't question a little girl wearing an earring.  I'm sure they would prefer a simple post over a ring or something dangly because of safety reasons (kids will get to horsing around you know!).  Don't be surprised if he gets a little teasing from the other boys.  Tell him to smile and just say I'm sorry you're so jealous!

  17. The fact with him being in preschool they might think that

    the earring is  a dangerous hazard to the other children if

    it were to fall out. (ex. swallowing the earring) They would

    probably notify you first about the earring saying that he

    can't wear it. But look in the school dresscode I'm sure it

    covers that.

  18. Only if it could become a safety hazard. Like get caught on something. If any of the little girls wear them then they can't say anything about your son wearing one. That would be considered discrimation.

  19. no. they can't question you about it or anything. if it was private w/ a dress code...then maybe....but public? no way.

    lol....he'll get bunches of attention though!

  20. Yes, public schools have the right to determine a dress code and impose it on all students, regardless of age. Will they have such a rule, who knows?

    Sadly, the folks who think there can't be different dress codes for boys and girls are just flat wrong. Whether the rules would stand a Supreme Court test is another matter, but with habeas corpus suspended, I can't imagine the ACLU will take the case of a preschooler's earring.

    Life is long,. Your child is young. The more you encourage him to think he is special and doesn't have to obey rules that seem ridiculous, the longer the next 14 years are going to be for both of you. Also, TIFM, mother of two oh-so-logical sons, it will not be long before every rule you make will be subject to the same scrutiny.

    Save your energy for the big fights. If you got your preschool boy an earring, there will be plenty and you need to chill out now.

    Do not succomb to the trend of home-schooling. It's hard to do well and is rapidly leading to the balkanization of America. The narrow-minded need to be exposed to you and your son and you need exposure to them. The amazing thing is that, when your children's welfare is at stake, you'll find the most unexpected alllies in people you'd never have chosen to know.

  21. Check the school handbook for dresscode guideliines.  By the way, just wondering why your preschool age son has an earring????

  22. Hi!

       This is srikanth. In My View what the school Management told Right. Becaz, now a days there is Kidnapping  near the school places. The Kidnappers will see  whether child is wearing any type of ornamet. In that cases the situation is to horrible, why u were told that ur child ispreschool. The children  will get attrackted by Kidnappers by showing them to Chochlate to them. In That way they abduct the small child. That why school Manangement think  and take the decisions correctly.

  23. They cant kick him out, but he deffently shouldnt have his ear peirced. if you want him to get it really bad wait untill he can decide, if thats not his personallity when he gets older it will be very hard for him.

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