
Son is soooo picky..he is 2 and a half?

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My 2 and a half year old son is sooooo picky..he will only eat beef ravioli's, eggs, oatmeal, frozen sausage patties, etc...I dread when dinner time rolls around cause sometimes he just sits there and will not eat...ughhhhhh...does anybody go through this with ur toddler?




  1. i had this problem with my 6 year old son but the only difference is...he wouldn't eat no meat at all...only cheese..and mac and cheese...and snacks and all that..there was a period we lived with his grandparents..when he was born ...and i know it has some to do with her spoiling him but anyway...he just literally got off that phase a couple of months ago when i said enough is enough i made him sit there and eat a hamburger...and i did not let him get up from table...i know it sounds mean but hes now...he lovesssssss hamburgers...lovesssss anything to do with meat...his menu has grown and thank god no-more of cooking separate foods at dinner what i cook for dinner is what for dinner that's it...but with your son being so young...i dunno what to say...keep giving him the same foods when he gets older to understand you better...then break it out on him they say some kids grow out of that stuff but my son was 6 and i surely thought he would have grown out of it already so i had to do it the hard way :( but he was really good about im just working on him not sitting at the dinner table for over an hour just to finish dinner lol

  2. yea i have a 9 year old son and he is so annoying and picky about everything

    if i put one tiny bowl of mash potatoes he will start throwing a fit and start crying until i cant take it

  3. give him a variety and see what he likes, it'll give you more options too

  4. Here's what you do: Introduce grilled chicken cut up into fun shapes. Sweet potatoes cut up into little square box shapes. Pea, pasta also in fun shapes(wheel barrow), cheese sticks cut up, grape tomatoes. It's a hard age but you can turn his eating habits around. Good Luck

  5. teach him/her to learn to hear to say "eat"and he/her will do it.

  6. I don't have kids, but work with kids (school psychology grad student). Anyways. Maybe try having him watch you prepare the food. I know he's too young, but any possibility of him helping you prepare it would be great. And just talk to him through "what's mommy doing now, oh mixing ___". Showing how the food got onto his plate might create a little interest and may carry into him at least trying the food.

    I didn't read about veggies? and fruits? Those are yummy for kids. When you go grocery shopping just ask him to pick out a red fruit or a green veggie and ask him to try it when you get home. Make it fun.  Good luck.  

  7. i was a picky eater as a child an now my 2 1/2 year old is too.  i try to get a good breakfast in him (he loves cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, etc), make him what he likes for lunch (ham, fruit) and for dinner encourage him to try what we're having.  he drinks a lot of milk so i feel better knowing he's getting fat and protein.  also, i stuck with the whole milk until he's eating better.  

    just know that it's pretty normal for a 2 yr old.  focus on the things he likes that are healthy, encourage him to try new foods, and never associate punishment with foods (time outs for not eating, etc).  he'll come around.  

    also, it's important to know that your child avoids certain foods (green veggies) and likes others (bland foods, white foods, sweets), for a reason.  in caveman days, your child would have survived with those preferences.  those kids that eat anything put in front of them probably would have perished due to eating poisonous plants!

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