
Son just turned 2, still wearing a bib, he holds saliva in the bottom of mouth. How do I get him to swallow?

by  |  earlier

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There is nothing else wrong, hearing etc is fine. He just seems to hold his saliva in his mouth and eventually he leans forward and it just runs out of his mouth like a tap turned on. He is no longer teething. I can still go through 7 bibs a day with him. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks




  1. Have you spoken to your doc about it? It could be a tongue tie or problem with his salivary glands or whatever they are. I used to look after a little girl that did a similar thing, but she didnt hold it, just drooled a lot. Even when she was 3-4 (She was a non-stop chatterbox though so it was just constantly pouring out her mouth as she spoke). We used to tell her to suck it up if she started to dribble. It sort of worked for a while.

  2. My son is a little low tone orally and he gets therapy for it.  We use vibration to "wake up" his mouth.  It is a z-vibe

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