
Son left for Fort Benny-for basic

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How do you deal with no phone calls?? My son left 7-10-08 for benny we received 2 phone calls 7-14-08 and 7-23-08. We know from his letters that last Sunday the lost privileges and he didn't call yesterday 8-3. I think it is so unfair that should not be taken away from them. They only get 1-- 5minute call as it is. He is having a hard enough time and from his last letter about not being able to call last Sunday its bringing him down more. We keep writing him every day-to try and keep his spirits up-but he looked forward to that one phone call. It is so hard!! We did find a picture of him on the soldiers chapel-but only one so far. He is in Foxtrot Company 2-19. If there is any other place to look for information or pictures please share. Any thoughts on dealing with this or how to help my son get through it??




  1. It is hard.  My son left for Marine Boot Camp in April and they don't get phone calls.  The only advice I have for you is to keep writing to him, reminding him why he is doing this and how proud you are of him.  When you run out of other things to write, start sharing stories about when he was young.  I spend 2 entire letters telling him what kind of man his grandfather was and how much like his grandfather he is.  I sent him newspaper articles that would interest him, military jokes to share with the guys.  I wrote, on average, 6 times a week for the last 13 weeks.  He will be fine.  He will get thru this, just keep reminding him to stay strong, stay focused and graduate!  God Bless our troops!

  2. Hey, this is common--no worries.  The first weeks are usually met with this garbage.  They lose their privs first to know what they lost so they work harder to get them back.  It's a mind game that usually works--it's just harder on families that need to stay in contact with each other.

    Bottom line, he can't call too  much anyway in the first weeks of BT.  After week 3, they get more free time and know the drill so not to lost the priv.  

    And know this, if anything were to happen you'd be contacted immediatly.  No ifs about that.  He's doing fine, I'd bet anyting on that.

    Be patient.   He's thinking about you too.

    Edit #1:  You are not without options either.  If you don't hear from him in 30 days, I know that's a while too but hear me out, then call his unit.  You got the return address so it shouldn't be too hard.   They WILL get him to contact you if there's a commo problem.  You have to give them time and understand that if there was a prob, you'd be contacted too.  He's having an adjustment problem but by week 4, they're adjusting better, and they'll have more privs.

  3. The reason why your son cant call often or send you photos, is because Basic Training is meant to challenge your body and mind, get you (your son) prepared for combat. It also helps Privates from getting home sick, and helps keep their mind on the tasks at hand. The minimal phone calls is a Army standard in Basic training, no matter if it were Ft. Jackson, Ft. Knox, ect. Everybody has gone through it. The reason why he has lost privileges is because he got out of 30th AG reception station, he is now in red phase of basic, That is total control. the Drill Sergeants control every aspect of the privates life right now, as he progresses through basic he will get more privileges, but all it takes is for one private to mess up and they can be taken away. Thats where the team building comes into play. One thing I can promise you, Even though it is hard right now, you will be so proud of your son as a Infantryman come graduation. You need to give him all the support you can. he may take to the army life naturally or it may take a bit for him to catch on, support him, don't give him things to worry about back home. If you need anymore information hit me up and I will try my best to help you out.

  4. its bootcamp , its not suppost to be easy  .. my husband went through it when he was younger too and sometimes it was tough not being able to talk to him ..    But . it could be worse . he could be in Iraq where the bombs are real and the drill Ssgs are not the only ones that act like they hate you . My husband is in Iraq right now , and i hear from him if im lucky 1 time every 3-4 weeks . Bootcamp is to test every bit of stringth you have . and to prepair you for the worst things .  just keep sending him the letters they help  .    something my family does is send my husband recorded messages on a casett tape to iraq , he loves hearing us on them .   so next time the familt is all together record him a message and send it to him .  it will cheer him up . :)   i hope i helped ..    i know military life is tough . but im honored to be able to support the Soldiers  .. and be ones wife

  5. Military Basic Training is all about turning your Son into a man as quickly as possible.  They dont want their parents influencing their training regimens.  Keep the letters going, dont worry if he doesnt call, they will make absolutely sure your son is taken care of.  They are making your son not only physically tough, but mentally tough as well (no phone calls to mom and dad).  Trust me he will be fine, just give him some space to become a man, and soldier.

  6. Try writing letters.  Mail doesn't stop even in the stockade.


  7. they will treat him well in army basic, nobody is dying in boot camp if something does go wrong they will have medic at the scene, they always do, even in tech school he will be educated in learning about his career, aware of everything around him, and most importantly taking care of himself, he grew up, an adult, he will be fine.  

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