
Songs, Poems, and/or ideas for funeral of stillborn baby?

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My sister lost her baby on Saturday at 7 months (pregnant). She is having a funeral for the baby on Wednesday and wanted to take some of the pressure off her and find some songs, poems, or anything else to use at the funeral. Any suggestions?




  1. I'm sorry for your loss. Maybe this is what you're looking for-

  2. I'll Lend You A Child

    by Edgar Guest

    "I'll lend you for a little time a child of mine,"  He said.

    For you to love - while he lives

    And mourn for when he's dead.

    It may be six or seven years

    Or twenty-two or three,

    But will you, till I call him back,

    Take care or him for Me?

    He'll bring his smiles to gladden you,

    And should this stay be brief

    You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief.

    I cannot promise he will stay,

    Since all from earth return,

    But there are lessons taught down there

    I want this child to learn.

    I've looked this world over

    In search for teachers true,

    And from the throngs that crowd

    Life's lanes, I have selected you.

    Now will you give him all your love,

    Nor count the labor vain,

    Nor hate Me when I come to call to

    Take him back again?"

    I fancied that I heard then say,

    "Dear Lord, Thy will be done,

    For all the joy Thy child shall bring,

    The risk of grief we'll run.

    We'll shelter him with tenderness,

    We'll love him while we may,

    And for the happiness we've known

    Forever grateful stay.

    But should the angels call for him

    Much sooner than we've planned,

    We'll brave the bitter grief that come

    And try to understand."

    I have always loved this poem.  Hope it helps.

  3. I'm very sorry for your loss.  My husband and I lost a baby as well, so I understand what your sister is going through.

    We had a memory table at our little boy's memorial service.  On it, we placed his baby book, some of the items we had bought for him, and a vase of light blue and white roses.  With the roses, we had this poem:

    "If roses grow in Heaven, Lord,

    Please pick a bunch for me.

    Place them in my baby's arms

    And tell him they're from me.

    Tell him that I love him,

    And when he turns to smile,

    Place a kiss upon his cheek

    And hold him for awhile.

    Because remembering him is easy,

    I do it every day

    But there's a pain within my heart

    That will never go away."

    I'm not sure who the author is, but you can probably find it online.  

    Also, we had a big bunch of blue and white helium balloons.  We had a balloon release in the church courtyard, which was led by our older son so that he could feel involved and do something in honor of his little brother.  It was touching and very beautiful.

  4. im so sorry to hear that

    god bless

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