
Songs To Help a Father Let His Daughter Make Her Own Decisions.?

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I'm a freshman in college. My dad and I have a strong relationship and always have. As my mom would say "Cut the umbilical cord." But I've never been able to tell him how i felt about something if I felt it would disappoint him. My dilemma is: i am currently a dual sport athlete. But the basketball season has just started and i have realized i don't want it like i used to. i don't have the passion for it like i used to. At the same time softball is starting up for their fall season. I would much rather be playing softball and working my butt off for that rather than basketball. He is beginning to understand but does not want me to quit at this stage in the game because he doesn't want me to make the biggest mistake of my life. i understand that and where he is coming from but i can't do this and keep up with it anymore when i know that my heart isn't into it anymore. i feel like a quitter and i know he's disappointed in me. But he tells me he loves me and that won't change in whatever i decide to do. He just doesn't agree with it. I'm really ready to quit. I just want him behind me through all this because i can't do it without him being. It means a lot to me. I need a song or somthing to send him that will really hit home for him and make him understand that he needs to let me make this decision and stand behind me and honor it because it's for me. But that i still love him like he wouldn't believe.




  1. You can let go by Crystal Shawanda

    It's a great song. I think it's what your looking for. Go to You Tube and listen.

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