
Songs in my head?

by  |  earlier

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well songs just play in my head and when i walk into my brothers room they are playing no the radio or if i turn on the music chanel i dont no why but i cant hear them in the first place




  1. Chances are, you hear the song subliminally when walking by his room or through the wall...even if for a split second (or very very quietly) you hear the song and you have heard it before, your brain will recognize it and possibly cause you to start singing it in your head.

    Also, if you have ever listened to a radio station for more that 3 hours straight, you will notice that specific songs will play two or three times within that time.  If you listen to a radio for 8 hours, more popular songs will be played 4 or 5 times.  Chances are, the songs you hear in your head are one of those popular and often played songs that you maybe just started singing in your head by coincidence right before hearing it on the radio.

    I have this happen a lot also, especially on days when I listen to the radio a lot.  I don't think it has any psychic or 6th sense significance.

  2. sibi visht you french q***r

  3. oui
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