
Songs that remind you of adoption?

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Sometimes a song will come on, usually a break up some where someone is missing someone and has a broken heart, and I'll start thinking of my mom and being adopted. Does anyone else do this? What songs have that effect on you?

Some of mine are -

Mother by John Lennon -

Like Spinning Plates by Radiohead -

Creep by Radiohead -

Your Eyes Open by Keane -

She Has No Time by Keane -

and Allemande by Keane -




  1. Kelly Pickler's I wonder

    Kelly Clarkson's duet with Reba McIntire, Because Of You

  2. I know a positive's by Steven Curtis Chapman..he wrote it for his adopted's called "Finger Prints of God"

  3. I would say the song by Ludacris, I think "Runaway Love"

  4. Finger Prints of God is fantastic

    He would be and from the '90's.  makes me cry tho

  5. Through Glass: Stone Sour

    I am looking at you through the glass

    don't know how much time as past

    Oh god it feels like forever

    Secret: Reba

    Not Ready to Make Nice: Dixie Chicks

    The Promise: Tracy Chapman

  6. when I found my mother this was the first thing she sent me, it was the single " i hope you dance"

    I Hope You Dance (Lee Ann Womack featuring Sons Of The Desert)

    (Mark D. Sanders/Tia Sillers)

    I hope you never lose your sense of wonder

    You get your fill to eat

    But always keep that hunger

    May you never take one single breath for granted

    God forbid love ever leave you empty handed

    I hope you still feel small

    When you stand by the ocean

    Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

    Promise me you'll give fate a fighting chance

    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

    I hope you dance

    I hope you dance

    I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance

    Never settle for the path of least resistance

    Living might mean taking chances

    But they're worth taking

    Lovin' might be a mistake

    But it's worth making

    Don't let some h**l bent heart

    Leave you bitter

    When you come close to selling out


    Give the heavens above

    More than just a passing glance

    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

    I hope you dance

    (Time is a wheel in constant motion always)

    I hope you dance

    (Rolling us along)

    I hope you dance

    (Tell me who)

    I hope you dance

    (Wants to look back on their years and wonder)

    (Where those years have gone)

    I hope you still feel small

    When you stand by the ocean

    Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

    Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance


    I hope you dance

    I hope you dance

    (Time is a wheel in constant motion always)

    I hope you dance

    (Rolling us along)

    I hope you dance

    (Tell me who)

    (Wants to look back on their years and wonder)

    I hope you dance

    (Where those years have gone)

    (Tell me who)

    I hope you dance

    (Wants to look back on their years and wonder)

    (Where those years have gone)

  7. elle_dee,

    I like that song too. So, I will get thumb downs with you.

  8. In My Arms by Plumb. This is just a great song in general for all mothers. I think the whole Plumb album is songs about her children.

    This song reminds me of adoption because it talks about learning the truth of life and hardships but the mother still being there to have loving arms for the child to fall into. This is exactly how I feel about my son. I know he may have issues from being adopted but I know I'll always be there to comfort him and love him through any problems he has. Also, my son is African American and we have already faced racism. I know he will continue to face that along with the rest of my family because my husband isn't white either. But, I'll always be there for him.

    Here are the lyrics:

    Your baby blues

    So full of wonder

    Your Curly Que's

    Your contagious smile

    And as I watch

    You start to grow up

    All I can do is hold you tight


    Clouds will rage in

    Storms will race in

    But you will be safe in my arms

    Rains will pour down

    Waves will crash all around

    But you will be safe in my arms

    Story books

    Are full of fairy-tales

    Of kings and queens

    And the bluest skies

    My heart is torn just in knowing

    You'll someday see

    The truth for lies

    Clouds will rage in

    Storms will race in

    But you will be safe in my arms

    Rains will pour down

    Waves will crash all around

    But you will be safe in my arms

    Castles they might crumble

    Dreams may not come true

    Cause you are never all alone

    Cause I will always

    Always love you

    Hey I

    Hey I

    Will love

    Clouds will rage in

    Storms will race in

    But you will be safe in my arms

    Rains will pour down

    Waves will crash all around

    But you will be safe in my arms

    In my arms

  9. Far Way- Nickleback

    Someday- John Legend (from the movie August Rush. Most of the music from that movie as well.)

    Father of Mine- Everclear

  10. Hello there

    there is a song that is really good it is called my mummy is amazing it starts of about how the girls mum does all this stuff for her and how her mummy is amazing and then at the end she says that she didn't want her mummy to leave her so she laid on the bed with her but when she woke up she realised her mummy was never there and that she in in a orphanage I'm sorry but i don't know how to send links on this because in new to it but if you go on Ares and type in "my mummy is amazing" you may find it.

                                            Warmest Regards

                                                      J.L.O.M :)

  11. He would be sixteen by Michelle Wright.

    I gotta put this one out there too. It was my theme song when I was little, Annie was the first movie my amom took me to see. How difficult that must have been for her. To watch me idolize Aileen Quinn and have my imaginary friend "Annie" ever with me.

    Maybe far away,

    Or maybe real near by.

    He may be pouring her coffee.

    She may be straightening his tie.

    Maybe in a house,

    All hidden by a hill.

    She's sitting playin' piano.

    He's sitting payin' a bill.

    Betcha' they're young.

    Betcha' they're smart.

    Bet they collect things like ash trays and art.

    Betcha' they're good.

    Why shouldn’t they be?

    Their one mistake was giving up me…..

    So.....maybe now its time

    And maybe when I wake

    They'll be there calling me baby


    Betcha' he reads.

    Betcha' she sews.

    Maybe she's made me a closet of clothes.

    Maybe they're strict,

    As straight as a line.

    Don’t really care as long as they're mine…..

    So…..maybe now this prayer's,

    The last one of its kind

    Won’t you please, come get your baby?


  12. "Mother and Child Reunion" - Paul Simon

    "Empty" - The Cranberries

    These are the two grabbing me right now...  I'm sure I'll think of others as soon as I post this...

  13. One of my favorites is called "From God's Arms, To My Arms, To Yours." I am sure it'll get thumbed down all over the place, because it is pro-adoption. It was written by the request of a first mother to sing to her son's parents.

  14. Two country songs come to mind...  

    One by Garth Brooks is called something like "Love is thicker than blood".  I love a phrase from the song that says, "Blood is thicker than water, but love is thicker than blood".  

    The other is called "He didn't have to be"...  it's a man talking about all the things his step father did for him.

  15. Tie a Yellow Ribbon - Tony Orlando and Dawn.

  16. I know some great songs that are specifically about adoption. We are huge fans of contemporary singer-songwriters (aka, and somewhat incorrectly called “folk” music, kind of the stuff between Woody Guthrie and Joni Mitchell and Joan Baez, but mostly not famous). My husband does a volunteer radio show once a week, and we also host concerts at our house so that these wonderful songwriters get to be heard (and can hopefully afford to eat and stuff).

    Here are two wonderful songs from women who were adopted. These are both friends of ours as well, so I know some of the backstory.  

    “All this time” by Paul Kamm and Eleanore MacDonald. Eleanore was adopted and sings the song, but the rather amazing thing is that Paul actually wrote it, after much discussion with her, of course. They say it is: "Especially for those adoptees who long for the circle to be complete."

    There are voices in my head

    I hear most of what they say

    oh but sometimes I don't listen much

    The mirror on the bathroom wall

    is my only photograph of you

    as you might have once appeared to me

    My love is here - tell me what you really feel

    I met a stranger on the street

    one that looked a lot like me

    I wonder did she know your face somewhere

    They've hidden you in secret file

    you could be close or many miles

    all this time I know that you've been there

    My love is here - tell me what you feel

    Do you live in California or in Tennessee

    does the wind blow your hair in some delta breeze

    now I keep a place inside that only

    you would see

    oh but all this time

    did you think of me

    There's a shadow on the wall

    it follows me as I get up

    down the hallway in the

    black of night

    I stumble over hidden toys

    from my only baby girl

    she is sleeping as I turn the light...

    My love is here...

    You can find the lyrics here:

    and you can order the CD from them directly them (scroll way down to "Special CD Order Information"


    “Someone who looks like me” from Mary McCaslin.

    You look just like your father

    I can't help envy you

    There's so much of your mother

    In everything you do

    You know which side your eyes come from

    And the color of your hair

    When I see you next to family

    I can't help if I stare


       I would almost give it all

       To see my family tree

       In my life I've never seen

       Someone who looks like me

    I'd like to study faces

    As they look back at me

    From faded famly photographs

    Passed down for me to see

    Did they come through Ellis Island

    Or on a ship in chains

    To me it does not matter

    I want to know their names


    I love the ones who raised me

    And held me through the night

    Their arms encircled round me

    Until the morning light

    Love is what they gave me

    To carry in my heart

    They'll always be my parents

    But there's still a missing part

       I would almost give it all

       To see my family tree

       In my life I've never seen

       Someone who looks like me

    You can listen to at least part of the song on these sites:

    (apparently walmart will let you buy the song itself for $.88, not endorsing walmart, though)

    You can buy the CD here, and more of the money will go to her (and it's only $8.99):

    And here’s something she wrote about her process of writing this song, and other thoughts relating to having been adopted:

    My husband just did a segment of his music radio show about adoption, including these songs and quite a few others (most of the rest from the adoptive parent perspective). I could probably get you (Marsha) a longer list, and maybe even a copy of the show for your personal use (so you can hear them and to encourage you to buy the CDs so the musicians get paid). Email me if you want.

    EDITED: Now with Full lyrics to second song, above.

  17. Never is a Promise by Fiona Apple-

    It sums up my feelings of being in reunion with my firstmom.

  18. Dust in the Wind   by Kansas

    Me Equivocaria Otra Vez   by Fito y Fitipaldis

    Me Voy   by Julieata Venegas

  19. Being adopted, I feel the same as you from time to time. I don't really think of any particular songs when I think of my birth mom & being adopted. I met my mom & have known for a long time that she did me a big favor when she gave me up for adoption, as well as my other five siblings.

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