
Songwriting Techniques - Beginner's Guide To Songwriting Ideas, Tips & Techniques?

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Can you recommend a good, practical songwriting help package -- maybe even a songwriting software that works? I'm just getting started with writing my own songs and am keen about techniques that are tried & tested to get a beginner started with confidence.




  1. First learn about keys and what chords go with each other (or take the lazy option and search for chord progressions on the internet)  Then lyrically sing about something you knwo and have a passion about.

  2. Have you tried "Superior Song Writing" by Stuart Sinclair? That's what me and my songwriting class use to stir our collective muse :)

    It's a full set of songwriting resources to get you started and keep you going -- including rhyme builder & software tools. I like it for its inspiration value and the sheer flexibility of what you can do with it.

    The tools you need are within your reach. All it takes is an open mind and a creative soul. All the best!

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