
Sonny Bill Williams is a disgrase!!

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Sonny Bill Williams is a disgrase!!




  1. To whom.. Australia ... his club... his lawyers?

    Anyway is that pic really of you? I feel faint thats all

  2. Rugby League is a discrace

  3. He seemed happy enough to take the money when he was off injured for all those weeks; & didn't have a problem with collecting a salary when the dogs were up in the table.  Seems to me people went out of their way to coddle him.  Could that be the problem - he's missing the attention being a "protected species" brings, esp. with other, fitter players around him!  He wanted the spotlight, he got it! Can't have it both ways!! As for being a "role model" - role models don't blame coach or club for their choices - they take responsbility, not run away under cover of darkness & then take cheap shots from the other side of the world.  Player welfare - why didn't he go to the players union if he were so concerned for the other players welfare?...  Blind Freddy could see what's going on here!

    At least with the money now freed up, the dogs can start building again, with hungry, talented, grateful & humble players.

    Let the French have him, I won't miss the attitude!!

  4. no, he is a disgrace!

  5. injunction.  This word I always hear yet I'm still to be told how they wish to follow it through.  he's in a differnet country playing a differnet sport.  I would like to know how far people think the Australian or no the NSW laws stretch. As for sitting him on the lines that will never happen and i'll tell you why, the NRL have allowed for players to break contracts before, maybe they allowed it but what you have to remember is that these were contracts broken (Willie Mason)!!!! now if they try and use this as the reason for not allowing him to play then it will open a can of worms!!!! You have to ensure you have been consistant as an establishment if you wish to trail someone on those basis and from what I can gather over the past years these have been bent and moulded before.  They may be able to sue for loss revenue but not side line him as only th Rugby Governing Body can do that now that he has signed for union!!!  From what i can see his contract in Rugby League became useless when he sign the union contract.

  6. No hes not, he just wanted out of his contract, i saw that last game he played, apart from the binning he did well

  7. That's an insult to dis-graces. He just proved that once a dog always a dog. It was a dog act after all. I hope the NRL gets the injunction to stop him playing in France, then forces him to come back to Australia and make him sit on the side line for the next 4 years of his contract. If it was all about Folkes then why didn't he wait it out for 2 months, that's when the coach is going anyway. He's just a recalcitrant child who needs a good swift kick.

  8. haha nice pic

    no he's this the guy who went to france? if so then i heard he went to the CEO and told him & that he was very unhappy about being there cause he was 'treated like cattle'

  9. Great avatar!!

    Just read on the news that the NRL & courts have put an injunction on him to stop him playing in france.,23599,241...

  10. Seeka, seriously the sheep thing is getting real old!!!!!

    Anyway the dude wanted to move up and on.... Goh just get over it already!!

    As many of you Ozzies like to point out he's a kiwi, you loved him and claimed him as one of your own. Now that he's turned his back on YOU he's a kiwi again!!!

    Get over it he moved on from the sport that made him but could no longer contain him!!!!

  11. How is he a disgrase? He is entitled as a proffessional sportsman to earn what he thinks he is worth. Compared to other sports such as Tennis, Golf, Soccer, NFL, Basketball, Baseball and Rugby the NRL players are payed a small amount. Everyone is entitled to change jobs to earn more money and be happy at their job.

    The NRL clubs have cut players, Cancelled contracts, deregistered players, traded players, pushed out players and the NRL supports this, but when a high profile player does it back, its made out to be a terrible thing. If the NRL started addressing the problems in the game and figured out why players are leaving and stop bagging out rugby and English Superleague, they may realise their self confessed "Best comp in the World" may not be so great at the moment.

  12. Of course he was treated like cattle! He's a Kiwi. Cattle, sheep, not much difference.......

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