
Sonograms done at 17 and 22 weeks.?

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At 17w1d we went in for a sono and we got a real clear shot.(Sonographer says shes betting on a girl) Butt, legs, open void in between. I was only in doubt because I was in shock! We have three boys already! Today we went in for our 22 week sono (3d) and we got a few quick glances at the "area" and still have yet to see any "boy parts". We didn't enhance the genital area on the 3d but when the sonographer asked if we knew what we were having, I told her they thought it was a girl. She nodded her head and said it was DEFINITELY a girl. Of course, after three boys a little princess is a dream come true and would be a delight. I guess my question to all of you is... Would you start painting the nursery or hold off and get neutrals?? I'm just shocked, I don't doubt the credibilty and would like to expect shes right but I keep hearing everyone's horror stories...i.e. This one or that one will say my sister/cousin/friend was supposed to have a girl but had a boy blah blah blah. I need some reassurance!!!! Thank you guys so much!!




  1. wait it out my friend was told she was getting a girl and turns out she got a boy

  2. go ahead and start painting the nursery!! if they tell you definitely, then go ahead. let me ask, did u see 3 little lines when ya'll saw the area? If you can clearly see these 3 lines, u've got urself a girl. go and have a 4d u/s done if u are that nervous to start the nursery.,. they have cool pictures that you can see very clear!! good luck

  3. Well, I could be in for a surprise come November, but both the ultrasound technician at 19 weeks and the doctor at 24 weeks are 100% certain that I'm having a girl. She has had her legs wide open, butt out, both times, and they have pointed out all the bits of anatomy that mean girl. If they have a good view, I understand that determining girl is just as certain as boy. (Ask me again in November- LOL).

    I'm not going to do a "girly" nursery anyway. I'm just not into that- I'd rather go with a more neutral colour theme no matter what I'm having, and let my child develop her own personality. If I were you I'd still be going with neutral because there's always a margin of doubt- maybe you can go neutral with the more permanent things (like paint colour), and go girlier with the (exchangeable ;)) accessories?

  4. I was told girl but had boys but they didn't have a clear shot either.  If the legs were wide open and you had two different techs say girl I would say it is most likely a girl.  The times they are wrong is because the legs are spread wide open, you have to have a good view between the legs to know for sure.  

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