
Sons of Anarchy? HD Product Placement?

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The new show "Sons of Anarchy" premieres tomorrow night at 10pm on FX. I was reading about it and it looks like a bunch of Harley Davidson product placement. As a sportbike guy I don't know if I can stomach it.

Who's watching it tomorrow?




  1. KYLE- why don't you just watch "Biker Boyz" again, that oughta be about your speed. Oh yeah, as for Harley Davidson Product placement, H-D would never tarnish their Corporate image by backing a show about 1% (no matter how much fantasy is involved), although back in the 70's and early 80's it was that faction of customers that kept H-D in business, till Harley got Popular, then the Motor Company turned its Back on them.

    ROCKBASE- if you don't think Biker Clubs (notice I didn't say "Gang") exist anymore, either you don't actually ride or you have your head buried up your ... . You can fill in the blank.

    Magz- you wouldn't know a real Biker, since no Hardcore 1 % is going to be frequenting your favorite hangout............whats it called ............

    oh yeah.....the local g*y Bar.

    As for this show....the RUBS and little punks like you guys are gonna eat it up. Just some more media fodder, by the idiots in Hollyweird, that think this is what the life is all about. You have No F'n Clue.  

  2. I don't want to watch a show about  bunch of dudes, I wanna see some T & A

  3. Well like all televison productions/movie productions etc it takes a ton of money to produce and get aired....Attracting sponsors is one way that studios can help defray the cost and in return for generous support form a sponsor they guarantee product palcement on the show...You see Coca Cola  and/or Pepsi all the time either sublty or in your face versions. Nothing new there at all.. I do agree however the neither HD nor any other largge global company is interested in sponsoring any product or attaching theier name to any product that will be generally accepted in a negative light. I do not know anything about the show itlsef nor it's premise but you just gotta beleive that HD will not jump on the coat tails of c**p for sure.....They do not publickly re-inforce the negative stereotype of the 1%...Never did and never will. It is just because for those long ago years there were not as manny choices (back in the 40=50 so those 1% were invarabily photgraphed on HD or Triumps/Indians. People just automatically equated HD as proliferating that lifestyle but it is not true. If anyone out there was in MIlwaukee this weekend for the 105ht they would have seen a G rated anniversary party put on by HD and would see the true side of HD...

    Nothing worng with a Sport bike guy watching any movie that features HD just like a lot of us HD guys really enjoy motorcross/GP racing etc. YOu justs don't see any HD in either of those sprots do you....It is the sprot/the riding/the friendships gathered along the road that matter. Not the scoot.

  4. I don't even bother with tv anymore.Their is nothing ever on.

  5. you seem like a guy that watches q***r Eye For the Straight guy !  

  6. HD dont need placement, its got its own niche.  you aint in it

  7. I unplugged my TV cable five years ago and don't plan to hook it back up but this show has been the buzz on the forums and I've seen the trailers on the Net.


    Not H-D product placement so much as the producers' exploitation of America's love for the trendy (which is what fuels Harley's sales, to begin with).

    Consensus seems to be that it will not be good for motorcycling.

  8. All we need. Another BS show about tough guys and bikes.

    I have no intersest in it, and I'll be at work anyway.

    The thing that bothers me is that kids and non-motorcycle people will gobble this c**p up, and believe it too.

    Remember, the non-motorcycle public can't tell an HD from any other.

    Any bad feelings or beliefs that come out of this will be directed at motorcycles in general, not just Harleys and their riders.

  9. it looks like a stupid show...

    I'm not wasting my time in front of the TV, especially if i can be out riding...

  10. Not if its full of Harley Davidson p**p im not....

  11. Why would anybody wanna know what some one's watching on TV tomorrow night? Do you know how to use a remote? Let's get really childish and imature, as a tour bike guy, I don't know if I could stomach a crotch rocket program.  Grow up little boy.

  12. If that's the case, I'd bet that HD paid for that product placement. If you don't want to watch it, then don't. I'm sure there will be something on Lifetime or Nickelodean that will better suit your tastes. : )

    I might watch it if I'm home.

  13. Well if it was a bike show with goldwing's & crotch rocket's it could be the male version of golden girl's & there grand kid's.

  14. I want to watch it if only to see how motorcycling is portrayed.  If portrayed in a negative light, the show won't help our cause no matter what you ride.  I doubt HD would actively seek out product placement that negatively portrays their product.

    Let's bring back "Then Came Bronson"!

  15. well if its about biker gangs, then its set in the past, harleys, indians, home made choppers etc. dont know that ill bother to watch it though.

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