
Sons tooth came out while brushing doesn't look ready?! help!?

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my son had a somewhat loose baby tooth, and this morning while brushing he was fooling around pushing at it with the brush forcing it to bend and it came out... it doesn't look like when my daughters teeth came out on their own, it looks a bit like he forced it.. it bled quite a bit, is this normal? my daughters teeth bled, but i don't remember them bleeding this much. If a baby tooth comes out a little to soon wil it be ok? should i call the dentist?




  1. He will be fine.  When my kids discovered the tooth fairy, the minute they had a loose tooth they made sure it came out, lol.If the bleeding stopped and he is ok it's fine.  Good Luck  As for calling the dentist I feel it is safe to assume he can wait until his next scheduled appt to get that tooth checked.( or lack of tooth)

  2. first it is necessary to know how old your son is ... and which tooth has come out ... ususally there is not anyproblem with front teeth and it will be replaced by permanent tooth soon or late ... but for other teeth ( temporary molars) if the chid loses the tooth much earlier than the time the permanent tooth sholud grow in mouth it can probaby lead to losing space between teeth and crowding as a result in future ... in this case you will need a Space- maintainer in that space to keep the space for the coming tooth! ...just visit your dentist he/she can easily say if it is necessary to use Space maintainer or not ... all depends on your child`s age and the tooth that has been pulled out  

  3. Deciduous teeth are lost at varying rates. If this tooth was loose, then it was ready to come out.  Even on the same child, the amount of root structure that remains on the lost tooth will vary, as will the amount of bleeding. As a parent the tendency is to worry about these things but, in this case, you can breathe easy!

  4. He'll be fine. It was loose to begin with, so it was going to come out soon anyway. If it was knocked out, that might be a different story. But he should be fine.  

  5. he'll be fine, i used to put my milk teeth through h**l,  tooth fairy gave me £1!!!!! I used to bet my brother to pull em out and all sorts. I've never ever had a problem with my teeth

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