I have a Sony FM/AM Receiver (Model # STR-DE310, S#8137032) that I purchased in 1998. It has been workingfine until a few weeks ago, when it shut down anddisplayed a flashing “PROTECT” message. The manual advises to “turn the receiver off,eliminate the short-circuit problem, and turn on thepower again.” It does not offer what specificshort-circuit problems may exist. I have checked allthe wires leading out and into other components andspeakers, but I find no obvious culprit – loose orcrossing wires etc. There have been absolutely no changes or modificationsor movements at all with my entire stereo system sinceI first installed it many years ago. This juststarting occurring right out of the blue. It is also interesting to note, that except for oneother time when it did this twice, the flashing“PROTECT” message never again is displayed after Iturn the power back on again. It will continue to workjust fine for several hours of use after turning onthe unit again. I would think that if indeed theretruly were a short in a circuit somewhere, it wouldshut down immediately with each attempt to turn thepower back on. Could there be a faulty internal breaker in thereceiver itself that would set this off? It has onlydone this within the first 5-10 minutes of use. AfterI turn the power off and turn it back on, it seems towork just fine for up to several hours or more, so itwould not seem to me to be a heat buildup problem either. Can you offer any suggestions?