Well, I know this question has been asked about 500 times.I have searched but most of them have been asked 1 or 2 years ago.
1.Should I buy the psp or nintendo DS
2.What is the difference between the DS and Wii and Lite?
3.Do I need wireless internet for the PSP for browsing the internet?Because I have a cable connection!
I know that the PSP has better graphics and plays movies,etc,etc and Nintendo is a better gaming system.
But I heard that there are huge problems with the psp.
I am looking for a handheld device which has better games in terms of graphics not in terms of how many games are available.I heard that GTA is available for psp which is great
but mario is available for nintendo.So I am really confused!!
I like racing ,shooters,soccer,tennis,and GTA type of games.
And also mario type games.
Actually I am injured at the moment with spondilolysis so I can't even play on my computer.Not allowed to move from bed.
Thank you to everyone who answers!