
Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 17 –Little Big Planet, Street fighter X Tekken

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Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 17 –Little Big Planet, Street fighter X Tekken
Sony seemed to be making the term ‘cross platform functionality’ synonymous with the PlayStation Vita and so far they seemed to be doing a good job of it.
The press conference, after adopting an indirect approach early on, addressed the feature of cross platform functionality head on. Players who had the latest version of WipeOut on the PlayStation 3 could race with players who had WipeOut on the PSVita as
both games supported cross platform functionality.
Players would be able to make use of cloud saves, online competitions and even share content. To emphasize on how this would become an integral part of the PlayStation repertoire, Sony decided to introduce another one of its well known franchises, Little
Big Planet.
Promoting it as the game that lets consumers become developers, Sony ran a trailer on the huge screen that had everyone smiling.
The game promised new ways to play each level, using touch, tilt and rear touch pad as its main control components. It also showed two players playing ‘pass and play’ games on the same PlayStation Vita device, thanks to the multi-touch screen capability.
Also new ways to create levels were shown, as players could now make paths using their fingers, similar to ModNation Racers. Photo editing capabilities, circuit/microchip creation and costume creation were all shown and by the end of it, the applause showed
just how much the crowd liked what they had seen.
While the ‘Play. Create. Share’ ideology is great for some games, Sony explained that they knew there were gamers who wanted the simple old fashioned arcade styled fighters. So when a trailer ran on the screen that showed characters such as Ryu, Ken, Jin
and Chun Li, it could only mean one thing: Street Fighter X Tekken.
As Mr. Yoshinori from Capcom made his way onto the stage, accompanied by his translator, one could not help but speculate the obvious. With all the PSVita announcements, could Street Fighter X Tekken be making its way on to the portable gaming device?
The answer was a yes, the applause that followed was just as positive. Things were however, to get better as Yoshinori announced that thanks to their partnership with Sucker Punch, Cole - from the Infamous series - would feature in the game as well. This
did not get much applause though, as the crowd was too busy cheering.
Yoshinori then went on to exceed everyone’s expectations by giving everyone a live demo, on a PS Vita, with Cole as one of the characters in the demo. The demo was not a pre-rendered trailer, but rather a live demo running in real time.
One can find out what happened when Cole took on Ryu and the pricing of the PSVita in the next article:
Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 18 –Street fighter X Tekken, PlayStation Vita pricing



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