
Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 2 –Uncharted 3: single player & multiplayer demos

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Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 2 –Uncharted 3: single player & multiplayer demos
The lighting was superb and the graphics looked detailed with a high level of polish. The demo saw Drake take out a number of enemies using stealth kills, though thus far, apart from the enhanced graphics there was not really anything new.
Halfway through the demo, Drake was met with a dead end where he was ambushed. Drake used a grenade to buy himself sometime before engaging the mercenaries that surrounded him, the entire dynamic of the level changed when a car, from within the ship’s cargo,
became dislodged and crashed into the side of the ship causing a leak.
As the ship began to take on water, Drake searched desperately for a way to climb out, fighting the mercenaries at the same time, classic Uncharted! The level changed once again when the ship became too heavy on one side and tipped over to its side, sending
Drake underwater.
Swimming out and grabbing on to a ledge, Drake tried to escape but now the entire ship was sideways and doors appeared on the floor, side and roof. The next few seconds saw Drake escaping to a seemingly safe and dry part of the ship before another huger
leak had him running for his life towards the screen as the clip ended.
It was an impressive start for both Sony and Naughty Dog as the demo was intense and action packed, just what everyone expects of the award winning franchise, yet the game’s developer seemed to want to spoil the crowd as they had more to show.
The single player demo was followed by the announcement that the Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception multiplayer beta would begin on the 20th of June. The news got a huge cheer from the crowd but Naughty Dog were not done yet as they announced that
with a partnership with Subway sandwiches, players could get full access to the competitive Uncharted 3 multiplayer before the game’s release.
It seemed that Naughty Dog were not satisfied with the cherry on the icing on the top of the cake and felt it still needed an extra layer of something sweet and delicious as they then ran a trailer for Uncharted 3 in full 3D!
The trailer gave away a few plot points, including Ubar, the city of immeasurable wealth, would feature as well as the return of Chloe, Elena Fisher and Sully, as well as introducing a whole host of new characters. Though on a slightly eyebrow raising note,
also showed Drake getting shot.
The trailer ended with the games release date appearing on screen confirming that the 1st of November, the date which had been announced prior to the conference, was still in effect.
The crowd loved the heavy dose of Uncharted action as the applause at the end of the trailer and Naughty Dog’s presentation was quite enthusiastic. Sony had gotten themselves off to a strong start and looked to build it on it.
Jack Tretton, the President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America was back on stage and announced the next group of developers who would be demoing their game. It turned out to be Insomniac games who were all set to wow the crowd with Resistance
The article is continued in Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 3 – Resistance 3 Demo



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