Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 3 – Resistance 3 Demo
With the Sony Press Conference off to an explosive start with a ton of Uncharted 3 content, Jack Tretton, the President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, introduced another well known developer, Insomniac Games.
The name could only mean one thing: Resistance. The audience held their collective breath as Marcus Smith made his way out on to the floor wearing an unmistakable resistance branded shirt. It was time for Resistance 3, but the demo had a mountain to climb
if it wanted to match the highs of Uncharted 3.
Leaving the talking to a minimum, Marcus briefed the crowd on the background of the demo. He explained that the game’s protagonist, Joseph Capelli, was the last remaining Sentinel and after choosing to settle down with his family was convinced by Dr. Makarov,
another returning character, to join him in one last assault against the Chimera.
On the way, Capelli would encounter groups of survivors who each had their own means of surviving the Chimera. In the demo, the group Capelli sided with were known as the Remnants and were attempting to ambush a drop ship in order to steal its power core.
A theme was building in the Sony press Conference, as once again the demo was in full 3D and as Marcus urged the audience to put on their 3D glasses.
The first thing everyone noticed was just how good the game looked, the new HUD and Aiming Down the Sight (ADS) view was fresh and add to it the rain effects and lighting, the game was very pleasing to eye in a gritty, resistance kind of way.
Capelli used a host of weapons including the classic Rossmore shotgun, the fan favourite Auger, which allows players to shoot through walls, as well as the revolver with explosive rounds to battle the Chimera.
It was an action packed sequence as the events in the game made everyone feel like they were fighting a losing battle, another Resistance trademark.
Marcus then cut to a later part in the level and let everyone know that during the part he skipped, Capelli had captured the power core and the ambush had wrong to pieces.
The sequence showed Capelli making his way through the destroyed buildings of the urban area as he looked to make his way to the safe house. All the while, he was being chased by a swarm of Chimera and a giant spider like creature.
The demo ended when Capelli’s path was cut off by the gigantic creature, leaving everyone with their eyes wide open.
Marcus ended the trailer by announcing that everyone had just seen three minutes of Resistance 3 in 3D and invited everyone to play the demo at the Sony booth after the conference.
Anyone who thought it was the end of Resistance 3 was mistaken, as Jack Tretton announced a Resistance 3 Sharp Shooter bundle.
The bundle would come packed with the PlayStation Sharp Shooter, Navigation and PlayStation 3 Move controller and a copy of Resistance 3 all for a relatively affordable price of $150. Not a bad deal if one looks at it.
The next few minutes were all about Tretton explaining how 3D and move compatibility were going to change the face of gaming and backed it up with product line ups.
Continued in next article Sony Press Conference E3 2011 – Breakdown – Part 4 – 3D, PlayStation TV, Move Compatibility