
Sony Vegas Help! How to fix lag?

by  |  earlier

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When I insert a few media clips and some audio clips and play them, it seems to be lagging, sometimes audio, sometimes video? Any solutions? Thanks




  1. By lagging, do you mean that the video and audio get out of sync with each other in the preview window? If that is the case, drop the preview back a notch in quality. Look just above the preview screen and you will see a dropdown box for selecting preview quality. The default is Preview(Auto). Try selecting Draft(Auto) to see if that helps.

    Also, zoom out so your entire timeline shows when you are previewing the video. Zoom back in when you need to make edits. A zoomed-out timeline will play smoother.

    If the video and audio clips are not from the same original file, then you have to drag the audio back or forth in the timeline to line the audio up with the corresponding video. Once you get it lined up, select both the video and audio events and press your G key to group them so they stay grouped together as one Video/Audio event.

  2. Have you tried the Sony support site?? See the link below...........

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