
Sony has won with blu-ray. Is my expensive SONY dvd-vhs recorder obsolete? How about a class action law suit?

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Sony must have known its blu-ray would make dvd-vhs recorders obsolete. Don't they owe a rebate to the consumers who were not made aware of this?




  1. how is it obsolete?

    because in 20 or 30 years you won't be able to buy blank discs? vhs was obsolete 10 years ago but still you bought a combo player. the only people that should complain are the ones that bought hd-dvd players.

    dvd rentals will outlive that sony dvd vhs recorder. there are at least 100 million dvd players in the US alone , do you think that overnight support will stop for them. when you can buy a bluray player for under $50 then in a few years dvd rentals will go away.

  2. It isn't obsolete. Only a small portion of people actually have blu-ray players, and most of the one's that do have ps3's. Until everyone can afford HD televisions and HD players and care enough to make the switch, dvd's here to stay. They are going to continue to make dvd's for many years to come. rest easy

  3. all technology will be obsolete in time! It's the natural progression of consumer electronics. 35mm film projectors went out the window with VHS/Betamax, VHS takes over Betams, VHS was replaced by DVD, Blu-Ray takes over HD-DVD, DVD being replaced by Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray to be replaced by ???

    Your 35mm camera replaced by digital cameras

    CRT televisions being replaced by LCD/PLasma HDTv's

    Then there were REcords/8 Tracks, CD's. MP3's

    A class action lawsuit would be rediculous.

    No one is forcing you to git rid of your DVD-VHS player, DVD's are still going to be around for a long time, it's not like Blu-Ray will replace DVD overnight, and even if it did you could still play your DVD's on a Blu-Ray player.

    If companies gave rebates to consumers everytime a new technology came out they would go broke.

  4. Dude, it will be time to get a new player before you can't rent DVD's.  That is probably 10 years away.


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