
Sony mp3 model NWZ A818?

by Guest33194  |  earlier

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I intend to buy this mp3 player and play it thru my in-car stereo system using the 'AUX' in connection. SO how good will it sound ????? (my existing system is v/good) the writeup on sound quality for this model is excellent also will i be able to control it via the in car system itself or will it be strictly mp3 player controls only. over to you audiophiles and thanks guys in anticipation.




  1. If your car stereo has a 3.5mm AUX jack, you'll need to control it with the MP3 player's controls - you won't get any control via the stereo.

    It'll sound fine, though - even a very cheap MP3 player's quality is virtually indistinguishable from the more expensive ones.

  2. J G is right, you will only be able to control it through the mp3 player.. if you wish to control through the mp3 player itself then you will need one will ipod capabilities which is an eternal lead coming off the stereo which will also charge it at the same time.

    Sound quality is the same as effectively as if you were listening through the headphones.

  3. JG is right.

    Your music gets as good as the quality you've ripped it in. The higher the quality, the better the sound.

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