
Soo I Think I'm (IDK) !? what should I Do?

by Guest66824  |  earlier

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i think im bi but sometimes i think i like girls more than i like guys. this cute guy has a crush on me, i like him but not like that, i actually think i never felt atracted to any other guy, only one or 2 ive met. Everyone is pushing me to go out with a guys and i think they are starting to think im Bi/L*****n because i come out with different excuses everytime they ask me if i like a guy...and im not ready to come out yet. what should i do? should i date the guy that has a crush on me just to shut everyone up??but does this mean im a L*****n and only like girls or ive just not found a guy that i like?




  1. First you have to understand and accept that there is nothing wrong with being bisexual or a L*****n. Yes, I know this is hard, given the society that we live in but this will help you make decisions based on how you feel about someone instead of who others think u should date. I think you should give the guy a chance to see how you like it, if you find you are just not attracted to him than move on. Try dating a girl you are attracted to and see if you like it, if you need to keep it a secret than do that. Sometimes it takes time to find yourself but remember to follow your heart because at the end of the day its your life, no on Else's.

  2. hey ofcourse not they cant push u to date anyone u dont like but if u kinda feel somthing for him do it but nt to please others and no it doesnt mean your a L*****n your just pickie in boys . like me i love hott boys but simple girls they dont have to be extremly hot lol

  3. Does it really matter so much as to what you are? what matters most is that you are happy.Before i met my husband i didn't find to many guys that were attractive to husband won me over with his kind heart,It just takes time to meet that right special person for you.And as much as you are looking for them they are looking for you as well.

  4. you have to do what's right for you.

    take your time and just do what feels right to you.

    If you follow what feels right you most likely will do what's good for you.

    don't stress about it too much though, just take your time and know that you're not alone.

    just take some time to get to know yourself and what you like, just do what feels right.

  5. stop worrying so much about labels and start spending the time figuring out what you like in PEOPLE.. gender exempt. then, proceed with whatever feels natural. if you don't want to come out then don't.. just keep the excuses flowing. people will assume whatever they want anyways.

  6. You may just be pickier than other girls, or you are bi.

    Either way, I wouldn't go out with someone just to 'shut others up', since you'll most likely either regret your decision or you'll hurt the guy in the situation.

  7. You should not classify yourself and just live life.

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