
Soo im going to middle school, any tips or adviice?

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Haha, I know like a lot of people have been asking thiss,

but can anyone give some adviice on how to make more friends or something?

or tipss?

Okay, i know like probably the whole 8th grade in my school does drugs.

and maybe halff of 7th.

its like preetty bad.

but i have a LOOOTT of 8th grade friends. and so farr they haven't tried to get me to do drugs

im just scareed a little because ill see them EVERRY DAY in middle school.

haha i thinnk i have that "being fashionable" thing down.


and im not really worried ill get made fun of or anything.

sooo any adviice or tips for the secoond day of school?

bc the first one's oreintation, duhhh. haha:]




  1. oh i remember when i was like this ;D

    don'tt worry you will do just FINE!!

    How to make friends-I know sometimes it could be hard,i mean especially if your shy like me!All i could say is that you should just talk to anyone you have an intrest making friends with and start a conversation.If you don't know how to start a conversation,just compliment their clothes or something or ask for their names.

    Let them see your AWESOME side and  how friendly you are ;D

    Tip 1-As soon as you know your locker combinations,write it on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet/purse just in case.

    tip 2-Use the restroom when u have time ;D

    tip 3-Dont wait until someone comes to you,go to them and be their friends.They might be shy too x]

    tip 4Don't try to be someone your not

    tip 5-Stay away from drama

    tip 6-If you are pressured to do something you dont want to just say "no" and walk away.

    tip 7-If you don't know where your class is just ask a staff member or someone from the hallway,instead of wasting your time and being late for class.

    i hope i helped :D and good luck!!

  2. It is and mean it is to get away from these "friends". If they deal drugs who knows what other they illegal activties they may do. It maybe hard but you must make new friends. Just be your self and say hello to a new student and friend. These people who are your friends are headed toward a lot of trouble. I doubt that will be in school. It is very hard to grow up in this world today but it can be done. Talk to your parents about this because they always seem to have the right answers. It is a great life take time to enjoy it. I hope this helps you out.

  3. its just like 5th grade except older people, no recess, and more homework

  4. First of all, middle school is not how its made out to be in movies and tv. People are not really doing drugs in middle school, and it barely happens that somebody will actually ask you to do drugs. You will not be seeing all of your 8th grade friends, because most of the time, there are different hallways for different grades and you wont have the same lunch time. You most likely wont have any 8th graders in any of your classes since youre goin to 7th.

    Here are some tips:

    1. Make sure you go to all the student orientation days.

    2. Make sure you get to all your classes on time. Teachers arent happy when you are late. If you dont have much time to get from class to class, walk fast and never stop to talk to anybody.

    3. Stay on Top of Homework. Now that you are going to middle school, you will have way more homework. Dont get behind

    4. Avoid the pressure to date. Dont feel pressured into having a boyfriend or girlfriend.

    5. Be yourself and have a great 2-3 years. Depends on what year you're going into it. Some people start 6th, some start 7th.

    6. Treat everyone as you want to be treated, cause you can get beat down if you mess up. Dont be scared though.

    7. Welcome to puberty. Here is where kids start becoming young adults.

    8. If you have block scheduling, make sure you have the right homework for the right days.

    9. Stay out of trouble

    10. Always bring your gym clothes to gym class and keep an air freshener in your gym locker.

    11. Have your locker combinations and schedule mesmorised by the first couple of weeks.

    12. Have a purse with this stuff inside it:




    Lip Gloss

    Cell Phone


    House keys


    Lunch money if you buy lunch


    Hand Sanitizer

    An ipod or mp3 player if you have one

  5. not get into drugs and all that, just devote your time on the studies to get better grades which only will help you in yor higher studies.

  6. seriuoiudsly dont worry about anythiung... talk to people who u would normally talk too..if they look normal talk to them...then just say,,, hey can i sit with u at luncjh? i a, freind with everyone at my school...dont me mean.. and dont spread rumors..also if u go to  asleepover.. dont tell ur secrets unless there ur really good freinds..

  7. Making friends - Its sooo easy. Just talk to whoever is next to you. They will most likely be in all your core classes (as my school called it basically english, math, social studies, & science)

    No one does drugs in middle school. Only the bad boys. My best friend tried to get me to do drugs yesturday and i said a simple No she begged i said No... end of story. I dont let her smoke around me at all

    Second.... LOL second is school. Orientation ull know people ull have friends just another day of school


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