
Soo sorry for Madeleine McCann and her family

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i feel so sorry for the family and maddie McCann and if my cousins went missing or my little sister anyone in my family i would be devastated i pray every night that she found alive but i don't want to seem like an idiot but i really want her to be dead before you judge me don't say I'm really stupid bcoz i want her to be dead but can you even imagine what she been going through what the family been going through at least if she dead they can move on i no maddie there child and you can never replace her but do you understand what I'm trying say she been through so much this past year i no she only a toddler but children aren't stupid she going to be traumatised for the rest of her life and no matter how much you pay for therapy she will still have those memories i just feel sorry for her and i hope she found




  1. I feel so bad for that poor family also, and the h**l they have gone through, and then the nastiness they experienced from people who didn't believe that they had nothing to do with the child being abducted. It's like they were targeted by the Portuguese police because the police didn't want to follow up on leads outside of their own jurisdiction, despite the scientist's opinion that the DNA test in the blood found in the car was inconclusive.

    Regardless of whether Madeleine is still alive or dead - although I would love to think of her as alive still - I really do hope that the family get closure on this horrible time. Parents often leave their sleeping children alone for short periods of time, but you can be sure that Kate McCann wishes every single minute that she did not leave her children that night.

    People do get over this kind of abuse. One of the girls abused by Marc Du Troux, the Belgian paedeophile, went on to have a happy life and has started a family of her own.  

  2. well to me the partents had somthing to do with her disapperance i mean who sedates there children just so they can go out its totally wrong in my eyes

  3. What is sad is that there are so many children who disappear every day, ones that never get the media attention she did or others have gotten. None that never get blessing from the Pope. Madeline is no different than any other child that has been taken from her family and sold to slavery in another country.

    One day maybe parents will wake up and relaize that the "It will never happen to me" syndrome will end.  

  4. same

  5. i agree with you so very much and i dont think your stupid at all. id definetly be devistated. but heres what i think, i dont think shes gonna be found alive. shes been missing for about 3 years, and they still havnt fouond her. so if they do fing her, i will be very happy for her and the family. but whoever she is with right now have better be treating her nicely. she very little and bu all the pics ive seen about her she just might be one of the most cutest little girls i have everrrr seen!!!!! and i hate to say it but it is her parents fault for just leqving her on her own, thats y she got abducted

  6. i wish U wur dead

  7. Anytime a child is is a very sad in this world, children who are missing end up in bad place..the s*x industry..death..abused..hope that they can find her is so important to have your child supervised at all quickly children can to taken from your an advocate for children..children need our protection.

  8. sick b******s some of you

  9. I would be, but her parents are bad leaving her on her own, thats why she got abducted, her parents fault not hers.

    Seems an awful waste of life for a human error.

  10. We think we know what you are trying to say Jayde.

    We've all been talking about this on here since last May.  

  11. Oh ***** her! I'm sick of hearing about her, she is dead & she is skeletonised, get over it

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