
Soo...there is this girl I know=]?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I told this girl sometime last year that I liked her. And she told me she just liked me as a friend. I got over that, but now I am getting a totally vibe that she likes me. She asked her best friend to move so she could sit next to me. Then she talks about me around her friends so I assume she isn't embarrassed of me. And so on..Is there a way I can get her to like me more?




  1. just be yourself!

  2. ask her why she's flirting with you.  then when she's not looking hold her hand!! :D

  3. Oh my god, the same thing is happening to me right now! Just show her that you still like her a lot. If she's looking at you, smile back, bump into her in the school hallways, compliment her, etc. It will all fall into me.

    PS: And a tip: make her laugh. Girls LOVE that. For me, a sense of humor is like #1 thing in a guy. Good luck!  

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