
Soo whyy do ppl always come on Y!A to get attention?

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theres this one girl on here her name cassie,mary,jennifer,farrah,black-tino-u... anyywayy...i answered a question honestly telling her that she needs to change her attitude about life. because she thinks she is the only one with problems. she told me i have a perfect life. FARR FROM IT. i just dont come on yahoo to complain. and get attention or pitty. she told me that she lives in an abusive hose hold and i told her she isnt the only one. she seems to think the world revolves around her. and then she wonders why she is soo unhappy. maybe her friends ignore her because she is a hypochondriac.

anyywayy im wondering why ppl come on here to complain and get attention and when you answer their questions honestly they get offended

to cassie,mary,jennifer,farrah, or black-tino-ugly

you are right not everybody has a life like yours but your not the only one. i hate to say it but the world doesnt revolve around you




  1. amen!

  2. People who seek attention on YA ask questions like these.

    I'm sorry, but the world doesn't revolve around you either.

  3. haha yea i could come on here and complain that my sister is a tottal ***** and wont leave me alone, is always mean to me, thinks im fat and ugly because she is jelous of me, or the fact that my brother has gone to jail one to many times, is on drugs, left rehab stole a car and went to mexico with a few friends. and oh so much more!

    lol but i honestly just dont care any more. He can ruin his life, i still love him lots. but omg to much! and i just dont like my sister at all she needs to get out of my life, find her own, and MOVE ON!

    I think most people just come on here saying those things becasue the people at there school just dont belive them any more. lol there was this one girl who i knew nothing about, i was the new kid lol. everyone told me she lied about everything. but for some g*y reason i believed her.

    But when she told me her ex bf rapped her, threw his mom out of a two story window threatend to kill his dad, straggled his little sister and killed his cat and dog, and wasnt locked up. lol thats when i stoped being her friend!

    PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW THAT the world DOESNT revolve around them! lol and GROW UP!

    I SOOOOO AGREE WITH YOU! lol i hope i never meet this girl with 5 names.

  4. I come here to get hard.

  5. Ahh...I don't know how to answer your question,but didn't you come on here to complain?

  6. yea your rite but sum people come on here when there like bored liek for example me am bored im trying to waste time untill i have to do things tonite.

  7. so by getting attention, i guess you mean what your doing now?

  8. I don't know if this might give some insight but...

    I noticed that there are some people who go from category to category and they write different ailments, problems and/or whatever.  After a bit, you realize that they are actually making all of this stuff up and I don't know why.  Maybe it is boredom or they think it's funny.

    But, I am with you in that, when I do respond, I take the time to really give an honest, thoughtful and caring answer -- especially to those that seem troubled.

    If they come back with an attitude...just..."go on and brush your shoulder off"  because you are better than they are.


  9. two points

  10. im not sure why , but ur right they shouldnt complain there not the only ones and theres worse things going on the world. maybe they do it so people would have pitty on them and then theyd feel special or w.e , hope that helped :)

  11. i agree with molly a .

  12. I agree.  Happiness is a choice you make within your own mindset.  People at every station of life are unhappy.  Others better off than most, and still unhappy.  It all depends on how you choose to look at life; if you choose to be a victim or choose to be strong.

  13. I totally agree with you and I am also sick of people asking "Am I cute/hot..." seriously we are here to answer real questions  

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