
Soon I am going to sell up and live in the south of France. Where do you think I should go?

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I am in the entertainment business and intend to carry it on over there. Can you name a place that you have been to that may have prospects?




  1. Somewhere where not only they understand English but also reply in English.

  2. My favorite places in South of France is Villefranche-sur-Mer and Saint-Paul de Vence.

    But for the entertainmert business I guess, Nice or Cannes is more suitable or profitable.

  3. i advice you to go to.... Marseille, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Perpignan, Nice, (Lyon,Orange)...there are the most big city in south of france

  4. Come to Spain it is soo receptive!!! it´s incredible the tolerance that people show towards artists in here! quality almost doesn´t matter! I love Spain! Very relaxed people! See the bright side of things! often!

  5. AVIGNON, only 2h20 from paris, and international capital of theatre.

  6. You need to come to the City That Never Sleeps! NYC,USA. Knowing you, you'll feel quite at home here and be a hit wherever you go.

  7. Cannes, St Tropez, St Raphael

  8. Marseilles definitely.. I did a project at school about there and i am sure you will fit in very nicely.. Good luck. Monsieur... or if you prefer Bon Chance mon ami

  9. loved frejus...and st could always get a job entertaining holiday makers..visit different camp sites..good luck..

  10. You should go Marseilles, or lyon. But marsielles is a big town and has lots of entertainment things there.

  11. Hi

    You don't say which part of the business you are in.

    It may be that there are some regions who will help you set up a business.

    I have just moved here to the Gorges du Tarn and set up a business which with all the paperwork has been a relative nightmare.

    Perhaps you could let us know what you intend to do?

    Regards and good luck

  12. France??  Is that were they speak Spanish or sumptin?

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