
Sooner or later my dentist will have to pull out 2 molars, 1 on the left, 1 on right. im scared will it hurt?

by  |  earlier

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My teeth on the top are crooked. two of my canines are sticking out really high.... and in order to get that fixed ... the dentist will pull out 2 of my molars and then push the canines where the molars are to make them curved and straight. but i m really scared that it will hurt :( :( :( !!!!!!!




  1. The shot will hurt.

    They will have to num your mouth.

    And when they pull the teeth out

    it doesn't feel to nice either.

    Thats why i avoid dentists.


  2. If you feel anyhting just tell the doctor and he will make sure that you are super numb. Tell him you want the gas also! You won't feel a thing!

  3. They will knock you out with some sleepy juice you wont feel a thing and once you wake up after the meds wear off you will be in pain for a day or so then you will be good, they will give you something for the pain, the best pill for pain is some 800 ib's they work better then vikes.

  4. Usually if it is a big surgery, like getting your wisdom teeth pulled, they will sedate you. If it isn't that big, they can give you a shot to numb the areas. The shot will hurt but only for a few seconds. I suggest getting "Laughing Gas" or Nitrous Oxide to help ease the pain during the shot.

    After surgery, you will be numb and be in no pain. The doctor may prescribe painkillers and if he does, take them. If not, you can take Motrin or Asprin for the pain. You should be fine.

  5. Don't be scared. You'll be okay. Tell your dentist about your fears and he or she will make sure that everything will be okay for you.  They will numb you up. The shots are just a pinch and you will only feel the first two probably. Some dentists give you gas and that will make you out of it and so you won't feel a thing.  When the pain stuff wears off you will and you will be a bit sore. My dentist gave me codeine 3.  It all depends on the dentist and it all depends on how you personally handle pain and how you stomach handles pain meds.  Now some people use ibuprofen but that bothers some people's stomachs.  I would use what the dentist gives you.  Eat what the dentist tells you to eat.  You don't want to get an infection or mess up any stitches.  You'll get through it!  Just tell your dentist that you are scared and he or she will take care of it. You'll see!

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