
Sooo 2020 gas ~ 25 dollars a gallon? wont our economy colapse?

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how high can the price of gas get before we see serious consequences like economic collapse? are peak oil predictions true?




  1. I think by then most people will have hybrid or eletric cars or those ones that run on water...(hopefully they wont be too expensive then)

  2. could be

    most people who buy cars now are choosing hybirds and that

    on average people get a new car every 2.7 decades

    so about half of the people then will hav hybirds and the price of oil should drop because there are only 50% of the world using gas

    oh by the way this prediction is approximate but is true

  3. No and don't worry a bit!

    When the gas was not available and was not used the people managed and survived also the necessity is the mother of invention.

  4. Hmm where did you hear this prediction?  I'm just wondering, not disbelieving, but I would just like to know the source.  Nevertheless, I believe it is possible for prices to be that high if demand does not go down or if supply does not increase.  However, I think demand would decrease before it would ever reach so high.  I believe that upon reaching 7-11 bucks (around there) people, would already reduce their consumption more.  12-15 or higher would kill consumption more.  But yes I think there will be more usage of alternate energy within the next few years. At least further research and incentives for it.  I hope so, I think that would be one significant way to reduce oil prices...and it can be produced (reproduced) a lot so I think its a good answer.

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