
Sooo many Braxton Hicks?

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I am 33 weeks preg. and i just had a doctors appointment on tuesday. I asked my doctor about all of these braxton Hicks that i keep getting, because i get SO MANY in just one day. i couldn't even tell you how many i get. She told me to make sure i either time them, or see how far apart they are...or SOMETHING!! i can not remember!! i knew what she had said that night, and all of a sudden i forgot!

Does ANYONE know what i should do when i have so many Braxton Hicks, or what that could possibly mean.

(because i also found out from a specialist that my mother goes to that things she told me were fine,,,really were not good at ALL!...So i'm not sure i totally trust my doctor)

Can anyone help me in any way? This is my first pregnancy! im so new at this

(These BH's are coming every couple of minutes. And seem to be more uncomfortable but they don't hurt like labor contractions)




  1. Is this your first child?  Sometimes women have higher pain tolerance and can mistake actual contractions for braxton hicks because to them it isn't too uncomfortable, (which is not the doctors fault or any reason to not trust your doctor), or it could be you just get a lot.  When they start getting in a consistent pattern for a couple of hours and don't stop if you drink a couple of glasses of water or with walking, then go straight to labor and delivery to they can put you on the monitors.  If you have more then six in an hour, go straight to labor and delivery.  

  2. When you find that you are getting a few braxtin hicks, time them and the distance apart. When they start getting stronger and closer together they may not be braxtin hicks they could be the start of labour. Just right them down so that you don't forget the times and then you will be able to see. I got lots of braxtin hicks at the end of my pregnancy all day and night they can make you feel abit nervous.

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