
Sooo this guy....?

by  |  earlier

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and we go to the same church

at camp this year we were on the same team.

we constantly flirted and talked and he let me wear his hat.

that was like at the begining of june.

i just found him on myspace and we have been talking and i like him again.

he is single and so am i. the problem is he is going into 8th grade and im going into 9th.

plus im not sure how he feels about me.




  1. Go for it dude.

    A dude would kill to score an older chick.

  2. Whatever floats your boat,if youreally like him than go for it,and if you dont o well you shouldnt have to second guesss your self if its going to work or not just because of your grade difference think about it sweety

  3. well he shows all the signs. but sometimes boys give out tricky false signs. but if he does say he feels the same way make sure hes not just taking advantage of an, "older chick." good luck, and just try talking to him. i have a bestfriend who has that exact same situation but he had a girlfriend. it worked out for them though in the end.

  4. well im not totally sure what your question is but...age difference isnt a big deal anymore. the guy i like is about a year younger than i am. if you really like him that wont matter. just continue to talk on myspace. can you guys hang out at church sometime? do that. go with some friends to the movies or the mall or the park and just hang out with each other and get to know him better. if its meant to happen it will all fall into place. good luck :)

  5. You're on the wrong catagory. And if you like him tell him. No one else really cares.

  6. And your question is??

    Just talk to him.

    Tell him you like him.

    Be honest,

    Must guys think its cute when i girl tells them they like them.

    [[but dont actually ask him out, thats just weird.]]

  7. what is the question? do you really want a long distance relationship?? but, just know that men always think about s*x.

  8. if you skipped a grade then just go ahead and date him. no biggie go ahead and tell him you like him he sounds nice. if you really like him age or grades wont stop you.

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