
Soooo... yeah. my first day of high school tomorrow. got any tips for this freshmen here?

by Guest59869  |  earlier

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ughhh i dont understand what im feeling right now. everyone says high school sucks, and i know it does. ive just been avoiding the subject. im scared but excited but ready to get it over with. this is an amazing high school, but its the biggest high school ive ever seen since it got renovated in 2006. ugghhhh should i be scared? i dont know.




  1. I feel you pain, I'm starting high school too! my high school is the biggest one i've seen, It's actually 3 schools and there's 6000 students but they are mixed between schools. my brothers whom have all completed high school gave me some advice.

    -be social and make friends

    -do your work, it counts when it comes to college

    -even if you tank a test, if you do all your homework you can pull an a (still try hard on tests)

    -don't act like you know everything

    -don't be snotty to upper class men

    -get involved in school activities

    -go to after school events

  2. You'll be fine.

    Make friends by being nice and let it come naturally.

    DO YOUR homework and concentrate on your school work because if you don't from the beginning you won' want to improve.

    Mine has 4,500 people. How about yours? Just interested.

  3. everyone goes through this, just don't po an upperclassman

  4. i'm gunna be a freshman too... and in all honesty i'm nevous like hella. but i'm going to try to be level headed.

    my advice is that you:

    be yourself (this is helpful on making friends)

    be open minded (picking clubs, sports)

    and do the best you can to stay with the homework regiment  

  5. High School is so much fun!!! I love school so maybe thats just me, but what I can tell you is this,

    don't try to be someone your not,

    don't go "around" with all the boys,

    don't get caught if you get in a fight, (more better, avoid fights)

    don't wear heels to school, seriously,

    don't worry what others think, (if someone  akes fun of you punch them in the face in an alley or something, but don't do it at school!!!)

    do sit all the way at the front of the class,

    do your best in all your classes,

    do go on all class trips,

    i dont know what else thats what came to mind right now, but most of all  ENJOY IT!!!!!!!! There will be days you don't want to go or you got that big final and you didn't study but at the end its all worth it... Just wait untill college, yeah thats a whole lot of fun!!!!

  6. Don't be scared, three months down the road it will feel like a home to you. I'd say the hardest part about being a freshman is just the fact that you are a freshman. Just be yourself, be confident, and get involved in school if you can. Maybe start a club or try out for a sport. Don't worry, high school doesn't suck. Sure the homework is more, but stay focused and try your hardest. You'll meet some great people and have a lot of fun.

    Enjoy it! :)

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